
Genre: chicago pop punk

Play genre

Chicago pop punk is a high-energy, guitar-driven genre that combines catchy melodies with emotionally charged lyrics. The music often features fast-paced drumming and driving basslines, with vocals that range from raw and gritty to soaring and melodic. The lyrics often explore themes of heartbreak, self-doubt, and the struggles of growing up, making it a relatable and cathartic genre for many listeners. Bands in this genre often have a strong DIY ethos, with a focus on community and DIY shows.

Most popular chicago pop punk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Chicago Pop Punk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 180
2024 23
2023 51
2022 33
2021 31
2020 42
2010s 147
2019 33
2018 33
2017 28
2016 20
2015 12
2014 10
2013 5
2012 5
2011 1
2000s 1
2006 1
328 releases

Popular chicago pop punk Songs

Top New chicago pop punk Songs of 2024

chicago pop punk music by decade

Explore chicago pop punk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of chicago pop punk artists

Here is a list of chicago pop punk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the chicago pop punk genre. You can find out what chicago pop punk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 54 289352
2 51 225840
3 46 108958
4 29 29216
5 31 43412
6 26 12093
7 28 32658
8 34 10053
9 38 32542
10 34 41250
11 31 23777
12 31 4381
13 27 7324
14 27 5753
15 25 5486
16 23 7021
17 20 6052
18 21 4008
19 18 3649
20 15 3060
21 13 8423
22 13 5493
23 13 2324
24 8 2050
25 1 725
26 10 483
27 10 652
28 9 1904
29 7 547
30 7 548
31 6 1070
32 5 971
33 5 1048
34 5 312
35 5 122
36 5 1929
37 3 1995
38 4 607
39 3 946
40 4 469
41 4 128
42 4 734
43 4 1089
44 4 900
45 2 862
46 3 176
47 3 169
48 3 271
49 3 596
50 3 316
51 1 343
52 1 183
53 2 1259
54 2 491
55 2 3524
56 2 667
57 2 441
58 2 2237
59 2 821
60 1 267
61 1 203
62 1 373
63 1 377
64 1 631
65 1 113
66 1 293
67 1 239
68 1 295
69 1 169
70 1 492
71 1 736
72 1 390
73 1 318
74 1 228
75 1 665
76 1 526
77 1 794

chicago pop punk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular chicago pop punk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.