
Genre chilean mambo

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Chilean mambo music is a vibrant and lively genre that blends Afro-Caribbean rhythms with local Chilean influences. Characterized by its infectious beats and upbeat tempo, it often features prominent brass sections, rhythmic percussion, and catchy melodies that encourage dancing. The genre has become synonymous with energetic parties and celebrations, reflecting a fusion of cultural influences and a joyous spirit typical of Latin American music. (AI Generated)

Most popular chilean mambo artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Chilean Mambo genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1326
2025 1
2024 221
2023 355
2022 317
2021 221
2020 211
2010s 182
2019 85
2018 43
2017 30
2016 8
2015 4
2014 6
2013 3
2011 1
2010 2
2000s 3
2009 1
2004 2
1511 releases

chilean mambo playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular chilean mambo music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular chilean mambo Songs

Top New chilean mambo Songs of 2024

chilean mambo music by decade

Explore chilean mambo history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of chilean mambo artists

Here is a list of chilean mambo artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the chilean mambo genre. You can find out what chilean mambo genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 61 1091148
2 72 2510276
3 51 79523
4 70 1147305
5 55 259208
6 70 722903
7 67 72101
8 54 268289
9 69 1435169
10 53 10475
11 65 425771
12 70 1532333
13 65 1559740
14 65 1531172
15 56 349821
16 69 629038
17 50 13021
18 67 528982
19 64 661720
20 61 863720
21 47 117447
22 63 582825
23 62 683000
24 62 33407
25 43 236917
26 61 118890
27 60 386850
28 60 373343
29 60 454946
30 59 320991
31 59 387683
32 52 71149
33 56 253945
34 56 321018
35 55 30529
36 55 113112
37 53 127217
38 53 116880
39 52 164592
40 52 66545
41 51 242872
42 51 146554
43 51 35341
44 50 206987
45 49 25419
46 47 112278
47 47 171453
48 47 29161
49 47 35234
50 45 31309
51 45 77930
52 45 64519
53 45 63834
54 45 85973
55 44 91865
56 43 23202
57 61 99601
58 50 59804
59 83 5132340
60 50 5930
61 55 33429
62 48 3473
63 63 31482
64 63 584723
65 47 141818
66 62 42264
67 56 466685
68 55 3956
69 53 230567
70 52 69614
71 50 6806
72 50 181974
73 49 2083
74 49 3890
75 49 8719
76 47 5567
77 47 46119
78 46 32466
79 46 117192
80 46 10474
81 45 2283
82 45 1389
83 44 40845
84 44 3176
85 44 16242
86 44 4836
87 43 1779
88 43 5548
89 49 110315
90 43 39767
91 49 21189
92 43 9777
93 44 7999
94 45 11301
95 55 32036
96 51 146615
97 49 84246
98 58 17603
99 51 167656
100 62 468369