
Genre: chilean metal

Play genre

Chilean metal music is a genre that combines heavy guitar riffs, aggressive drumming, and powerful vocals to create a sound that is both intense and melodic. The music often features lyrics that touch on social and political issues, reflecting the country's history of political turmoil. Bands in this genre often incorporate elements of traditional Chilean music, such as Andean flutes and charangos, into their sound, giving their music a unique flavor.

Most popular chilean metal artists

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Parent Genre: metal

Related genres

Instruments used

Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Double Bass, Keyboard/Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Chilean Metal genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 41
2024 3
2023 14
2022 10
2021 8
2020 6
2010s 74
2019 11
2018 7
2017 12
2016 5
2015 9
2014 2
2013 7
2012 8
2011 6
2010 7
2000s 26
2009 2
2008 1
2007 1
2006 5
2005 5
2004 1
2002 7
2001 2
2000 2
1990s 12
1999 3
1998 3
1997 1
1995 2
1994 1
1993 1
1990 1
1980s 2
1989 2
155 releases

Popular chilean metal Songs

chilean metal music by decade

Explore chilean metal history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of chilean metal artists

Here is a list of chilean metal artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the chilean metal genre. You can find out what chilean metal genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 39 41450
2 28 33486
3 26 5092
4 31 3120
5 17 8682
6 24 21912
7 23 14376
8 22 6995
9 21 2427
10 20 6150
11 20 10609
12 16 8163
13 11 5138
14 6 4770
15 6 3498
16 14 5203
17 14 11482
18 10 2428
19 5 3050
20 13 6203
21 13 5712
22 3 1919
23 3 2150
24 3 2269
25 7 2817
26 2 304
27 10 4339
28 9 2891
29 6 2864
30 5 2128
31 9 1634
32 9 10143
33 1 662
34 7 4228
35 8 5615
36 9 4938
37 7 5716
38 6 6259
39 8 5139
40 5 3232
41 7 2157
42 7 3191
43 3 1392
44 6 3438
45 6 2153
46 6 3221
47 6 2225
48 5 1808
49 5 994
50 4 2142
51 4 1156
52 4 1738
53 3 2377
54 3 359
55 3 2433
56 3 1506
57 1 1214
58 1 1108
59 2 2302
60 2 1645
61 2 758
62 2 932
63 2 310
64 1 1403
65 1 1158
66 1 700
67 1 1596
68 1 312
69 1 1383
70 1 2180
71 1 996
72 1 151
73 1 250

chilean metal playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular chilean metal music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.