
Genre: chill out

Play genre

Parent Genre: new age

Chill out music is a genre that is characterized by its relaxed and mellow vibe. It often features slow, smooth beats and soothing melodies that are designed to help listeners unwind and de-stress. The genre is popular for its calming effect and is often used as background music in spas, yoga studios, and other relaxation settings. The artists in this genre typically create music that is perfect for winding down after a long day or for creating a peaceful atmosphere in any environment.

Most popular chill out artists

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Popular chill out Songs

Top New chill out Songs of 2024

chill out music by decade

Explore chill out history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of chill out artists

Here is a list of chill out artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the chill out genre. You can find out what chill out genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 57 87616
2 46 15130
3 42 13625
4 41 9372
5 44 3272
6 40 1168
7 38 352
8 33 2201
9 33 1200
10 36 1569
11 35 140
12 35 225
13 34 844
14 34 880
15 34 189
16 33 348
17 29 390
18 31 1033
19 25 367
20 29 1876
21 27 232
22 27 554
23 27 809
24 26 229
25 26 344
26 26 929
27 26 700
28 26 459
29 25 233
30 19 826
31 24 550
32 22 254
33 22 982
34 21 369
35 21 744
36 21 499
37 19 513
38 19 419
39 19 100
40 19 176
41 17 515
42 18 355
43 17 987
44 17 325
45 16 312
46 16 208
47 16 278
48 14 477
49 14 787
50 14 498
51 14 291
52 14 305
53 14 252
54 14 732
55 13 270
56 13 196
57 12 249
58 12 147
59 12 202
60 12 260
61 12 369
62 11 96
63 11 188
64 10 596
65 10 327
66 9 215
67 9 361
68 9 7090
69 4 229
70 8 157
71 8 180
72 8 210
73 7 203
74 7 105
75 7 120
76 7 401
77 7 108
78 6 176
79 6 95
80 6 68
81 5 180
82 5 121
83 5 198
84 5 94
85 5 144
86 4 202
87 4 28
88 4 58
89 4 93
90 3 271
91 3 58
92 3 85
93 2 94
94 2 138
95 2 197
96 1 107
97 1 49
98 1 46
99 1 86

chill out playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular chill out music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.