
Genre: chillsynth

Play genre

Chillsynth is a subgenre of synthwave that blends dreamy and atmospheric sounds with nostalgic 80s synth melodies. It often features slow, pulsating beats and ethereal vocals, creating a relaxing and introspective vibe. Home, Hotel Pools, and A.L.I.S.O.N. are all notable artists in this genre, known for their ability to transport listeners to a hazy, neon-lit world of nostalgia and introspection.

Most popular chillsynth artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Chillsynth genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1278
2024 113
2023 355
2022 257
2021 243
2020 310
2010s 437
2019 245
2018 117
2017 45
2016 18
2015 9
2014 3
1990s 1
1999 1
1716 releases

Popular chillsynth Songs

Top New chillsynth Songs of 2024

chillsynth music by decade

Explore chillsynth history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of chillsynth artists

Here is a list of chillsynth artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the chillsynth genre. You can find out what chillsynth genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 53 46020
2 37 7774
3 47 36074
4 42 5446
5 42 27601
6 32 8229
7 32 5695
8 29 3406
9 28 3151
10 42 18838
11 49 46592
12 35 10449
13 48 12267
14 32 6950
15 32 9455
16 46 18108
17 44 28528
18 30 7747
19 43 10817
20 43 25654
21 42 27974
22 41 13877
23 41 1432
24 41 14692
25 40 22605
26 40 1492
27 40 18713
28 39 9375
29 38 6215
30 38 5712
31 38 5997
32 29 3715
33 37 15248
34 37 2556
35 23 3977
36 23 4448
37 37 11413
38 36 2316
39 36 1496
40 36 3259
41 35 2656
42 35 3219
43 35 2444
44 34 13243
45 34 14111
46 34 6604
47 34 2704
48 34 1642
49 33 4023
50 33 21370
51 24 2580
52 32 1493
53 32 754
54 32 1329
55 32 2423
56 31 753
57 31 1769
58 30 2575
59 30 1537
60 30 2324
61 29 2721
62 29 2075
63 28 3235
64 28 3275
65 28 5229
66 28 565
67 27 4673
68 27 1060
69 27 510
70 27 6945
71 27 1602
72 27 2339
73 27 980
74 26 3123
75 26 2587
76 26 679
77 26 1169
78 26 1951
79 25 1267
80 25 1742
81 25 2228
82 25 767
83 24 271
84 24 601
85 23 458
86 23 365
87 23 1929
88 23 2263
89 23 176
90 23 2647
91 23 1096
92 22 399
93 22 2367
94 22 1213
95 22 1833
96 21 2630
97 21 1767
98 21 2052
99 21 1542
100 21 2050

chillsynth playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular chillsynth music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.