
Genre: chillwave

Play genre

Parent Genre: rock

Chillwave is a subgenre of electronic music that emerged in the late 2000s. It is characterized by its dreamy, lo-fi soundscapes, often featuring hazy vocals and nostalgic synth melodies. The genre is heavily influenced by 80s pop and new wave, as well as shoegaze and ambient music. Chillwave is often associated with summer vibes and beachy atmospheres, and has gained popularity in recent years with the rise of indie electronic music.

Most popular chillwave artists

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Related instruments

Vocals, Synthesizer, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Keyboard/Piano, Drum Machine, Sampler, Sequencer, Bass Synthesizer, Organ, Horn Section, Piano

Popular chillwave Songs

Top New chillwave Songs of 2024

chillwave music by decade

Explore chillwave history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of chillwave artists

Here is a list of chillwave artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the chillwave genre. You can find out what chillwave genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 52 399068
2 58 430016
3 60 681550
4 49 209726
5 46 216183
6 49 530977
7 46 296186
8 68 1591844
9 61 755386
10 45 211416
11 56 680131
12 49 633592
13 52 304063
14 51 257562
15 51 297036
16 54 173322
17 53 484462
18 36 104786
19 48 324917
20 46 322292
21 46 131873
22 38 105020
23 58 266001
24 38 188933
25 33 84382
26 41 72625
27 40 83997
28 48 156422
29 37 70643
30 41 103515
31 29 68562
32 38 40163
33 43 102218
34 62 349393
35 42 129657
36 41 115277
37 23 29168
38 52 137162
39 37 45679
40 49 137038
41 34 70192
42 28 47077
43 39 53117
44 32 26842
45 44 115146
46 30 31551
47 43 109105
48 32 78127
49 46 99669
50 29 35185
51 21 18498
52 37 252974
53 28 29425
54 42 43960
55 41 63885
56 28 40078
57 30 87415
58 37 38740
59 38 124715
60 37 110544
61 28 50166
62 36 62672
63 39 132226
64 41 51124
65 38 22917
66 30 30278
67 25 40692
68 27 29338
69 29 33193
70 32 27691
71 28 8577
72 27 26662
73 26 51310
74 36 18381
75 34 84818
76 34 11681
77 32 53147
78 31 35397
79 30 27288
80 30 18308
81 29 31068
82 28 17802
83 20 29283
84 29 7517
85 26 14294
86 24 19230
87 23 22831
88 25 6788
89 24 15292
90 15 10353
91 18 13292
92 19 19791
93 19 9418
94 18 10531
95 18 4601
96 18 6517
97 2 1255
98 8 6570

chillwave playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular chillwave music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.