
Genre: chinese talent show

Play genre

The Chinese talent show music genre is characterized by powerful vocals and emotional performances. The music often features a blend of traditional Chinese instruments and modern pop elements, creating a unique sound that appeals to a wide audience. The genre showcases a range of talented singers who are able to convey deep emotions through their music. The songs are often heartfelt and touching, with lyrics that speak to the human experience. Overall, the Chinese talent show music genre is a beautiful and captivating form of expression that has gained popularity both in China and around the world.

Most popular chinese talent show artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Chinese Talent Show genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 323
2024 18
2023 86
2022 90
2021 74
2020 55
2010s 66
2019 31
2018 19
2017 9
2016 2
2015 3
2014 2
389 releases

Popular chinese talent show Songs

Top New chinese talent show Songs of 2024

Most popular chinese talent show albums

小美滿 (電影《熱辣滾燙》熱辣陪伴曲)
焰火 (電視劇《點燃我, 溫暖你》主題曲)
要一起 (电视剧《锦心似玉》主题曲)
繭 (電視劇《長歌行》片尾主題曲)

chinese talent show music by decade

Explore chinese talent show history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of chinese talent show artists

Here is a list of chinese talent show artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the chinese talent show genre. You can find out what chinese talent show genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 59 538346
2 41 32198
3 38 2434
4 38 8852
5 37 3581
6 35 3875
7 35 572
8 33 8576
9 27 26249
10 26 36237
11 23 6955
12 22 1257
13 22 3827
14 21 2003
15 21 2324
16 20 3268
17 20 858
18 20 5461
19 19 11594
20 19 1059
21 18 2251
22 18 2003
23 17 520
24 16 305
25 16 389
26 16 677
27 16 2479
28 16 398
29 14 514
30 13 1069
31 12 7887
32 12 1544
33 11 261
34 10 120
35 9 882
36 9 355
37 9 300
38 9 1640
39 8 1502
40 8 561
41 7 251
42 7 79
43 7 113
44 6 97
45 6 566
46 6 74
47 5 30
48 5 82
49 5 152
50 4 228
51 3 202
52 3 111
53 3 158
54 3 334
55 3 49
56 3 69
57 3 124
58 2 92
59 2 73
60 2 72
61 1 91
62 1 123
63 1 59
64 1 56
65 1 11

chinese talent show playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular chinese talent show music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.