
Genre christian country

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Christian country music is a genre that blends the storytelling and instrumental elements of country music with themes and messages rooted in Christian faith. It often features heartfelt lyrics that express spiritual beliefs, personal testimonies, and moral values, all set against the backdrop of traditional country sounds like acoustic guitars, fiddles, and harmonicas. This genre resonates with listeners who appreciate the combination of uplifting messages and relatable life experiences, creating a powerful and meaningful musical experience. (AI Generated)

Most popular christian country artists

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Parent Genre: country

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Instruments used

Vocals, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Fiddle, Pedal Steel Guitar, Piano, Organ, Horn Section

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Christian Country genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1484
2025 1
2024 282
2023 394
2022 329
2021 250
2020 228
2010s 1352
2019 172
2018 143
2017 122
2016 135
2015 123
2014 138
2013 135
2012 119
2011 146
2010 119
2000s 1078
2009 130
2008 116
2007 89
2006 115
2005 285
2004 67
2003 77
2002 67
2001 69
2000 63
1990s 380
1999 51
1998 49
1997 51
1996 41
1995 35
1994 31
1993 33
1992 28
1991 30
1990 31
1980s 190
1989 23
1988 14
1987 24
1986 20
1985 25
1984 15
1983 13
1982 16
1981 18
1980 22
1970s 197
1979 16
1978 20
1977 15
1976 30
1975 17
1974 9
1973 17
1972 38
1971 17
1970 18
1960s 155
1969 17
1968 27
1967 20
1966 25
1965 18
1964 18
1963 12
1962 7
1961 4
1960 7
1950s 26
1959 7
1958 4
1957 3
1956 4
1955 1
1954 1
1953 3
1952 2
1950 1
1940s 4
1949 2
1948 1
1946 1
1930s 4
1938 1
1936 2
1935 1
1920s 1
1928 1
4871 releases

christian country playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular christian country music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular christian country Songs

Top New christian country Songs of 2024

christian country music by decade

Explore christian country history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of christian country artists

Here is a list of christian country artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the christian country genre. You can find out what christian country genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 510008
2 45 14730
3 40 65075
4 67 2010162
5 60 479772
6 60 113114
7 38 83697
8 58 253637
9 61 261679
10 49 269111
11 45 110905
12 41 63413
13 62 309739
14 40 69022
15 48 74356
16 54 113787
17 37 48260
18 60 1281628
19 38 24290
20 56 1026669
21 35 30050
22 54 810979
23 64 1882423
24 48 241237
25 33 30507
26 37 68527
27 36 11142
28 47 137022
29 33 16337
30 50 115006
31 41 44121
32 36 19090
33 41 73631
34 52 639959
35 37 12293
36 37 212132
37 39 50703
38 47 57058
39 38 89084
40 37 46019
41 37 14596
42 71 3034828
43 36 40691
44 35 28078
45 34 41263
46 33 37838
47 33 5476
48 33 10176
49 44 181213
50 51 588287
51 64 1522055
52 42 400756
53 64 2659277
54 44 5457
55 33 7205
56 43 88347
57 34 9307
58 46 102707
59 38 63106
60 40 24962
61 59 392201
62 39 138867
63 38 88332
64 57 154037
65 42 11526
66 41 85732
67 43 281871
68 33 42631
69 33 12293
70 51 1164440
71 37 12120
72 35 20330
73 38 81197
74 36 54269
75 34 89682
76 34 19603
77 34 84006
78 34 82758
79 55 475988
80 54 801
81 54 8932
82 40 6049
83 39 82250
84 34 24722
85 40 27748
86 49 86659
87 45 472505
88 34 66913
89 34 2704
90 33 4237
91 37 35903
92 35 34576
93 37 35161
94 37 49162
95 36 8248
96 35 34526
97 35 1206
98 34 100838
99 34 63630
100 34 2691