
Genre christian folk

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Christian folk music blends traditional folk melodies and instrumentation with themes inspired by Christian faith and scripture. It often features acoustic guitars, banjos, and harmonious vocals to convey spiritual messages and storytelling. This genre emphasizes simplicity and authenticity, creating an introspective and uplifting listening experience that resonates with both personal devotion and communal worship. (AI Generated)

Most popular christian folk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Christian Folk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2160
2025 4
2024 399
2023 593
2022 392
2021 355
2020 417
2010s 1459
2019 325
2018 228
2017 184
2016 141
2015 126
2014 117
2013 95
2012 104
2011 77
2010 62
2000s 261
2009 37
2008 55
2007 32
2006 30
2005 26
2004 16
2003 17
2002 16
2001 23
2000 9
1990s 103
1999 13
1998 15
1997 8
1996 10
1995 9
1994 7
1993 12
1992 8
1991 13
1990 8
1980s 40
1989 6
1988 10
1987 6
1986 4
1985 3
1984 1
1983 4
1982 3
1981 1
1980 2
1970s 17
1979 3
1978 2
1977 1
1976 1
1975 3
1974 1
1973 3
1972 1
1971 1
1970 1
4040 releases

christian folk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular christian folk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular christian folk Songs

Top New christian folk Songs of 2024

christian folk music by decade

Explore christian folk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of christian folk artists

Here is a list of christian folk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the christian folk genre. You can find out what christian folk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 119103
2 61 852059
3 44 65421
4 42 36412
5 52 151985
6 49 146997
7 47 82678
8 57 176059
9 37 160259
10 52 119250
11 67 341242
12 45 108971
13 59 456565
14 46 127769
15 44 158814
16 45 110905
17 52 230259
18 54 96244
19 44 19007
20 56 153206
21 56 258955
22 55 140197
23 44 115573
24 42 53305
25 45 107756
26 41 109952
27 56 129191
28 47 33862
29 54 264484
30 54 264148
31 50 115006
32 50 23478
33 43 53918
34 44 39423
35 45 59586
36 47 97979
37 43 25878
38 43 34525
39 42 14641
40 43 56480
41 42 18183
42 41 10003
43 37 46971
44 56 177773
45 40 19018
46 38 21310
47 43 38585
48 41 56545
49 43 6267
50 36 10846
51 39 64617
52 41 21448
53 39 2784
54 41 30694
55 46 11310
56 44 45687
57 43 47177
58 43 24279
59 42 21575
60 38 24290
61 46 36251
62 40 6049
63 41 27527
64 41 37161
65 43 140001
66 37 7567
67 41 39665
68 41 17690
69 40 73689
70 37 14955
71 37 34107
72 67 160351
73 60 551657
74 57 275150
75 55 153663
76 56 171019
77 53 325529
78 46 395962
79 41 7164
80 50 5873
81 49 34668
82 49 56859
83 49 119282
84 48 83235
85 42 47716
86 42 63793
87 47 14344
88 40 27748
89 45 89399
90 44 111985
91 43 15381
92 43 67781
93 41 53242
94 40 13181
95 39 22541
96 39 30348
97 38 15103
98 38 10316
99 38 23828
100 37 3834