
Genre: christian uplift

Play genre

Christian uplift music is a genre that combines elements of contemporary Christian music with uplifting and inspiring lyrics. It often features a mix of acoustic and electronic instrumentation, with a focus on creating a positive and hopeful atmosphere. The genre is characterized by its use of powerful vocal harmonies, catchy melodies, and lyrics that speak to the listener's faith and spirituality. It is a popular choice for worship services, youth groups, and other Christian gatherings.

Most popular christian uplift artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Christian Uplift genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 185
2024 17
2023 48
2022 42
2021 27
2020 51
2010s 356
2019 49
2018 53
2017 35
2016 32
2015 36
2014 33
2013 28
2012 45
2011 30
2010 15
2000s 28
2009 6
2008 13
2007 5
2006 1
2005 1
2003 1
2002 1
569 releases

Popular christian uplift Songs

Top New christian uplift Songs of 2024

christian uplift music by decade

Explore christian uplift history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of christian uplift artists

Here is a list of christian uplift artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the christian uplift genre. You can find out what christian uplift genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 45 52909
2 40 72970
3 48 106810
4 52 142943
5 51 204126
6 35 23340
7 48 94879
8 37 7679
9 49 125182
10 46 137908
11 36 39246
12 38 79536
13 37 32997
14 45 157097
15 31 16885
16 36 27791
17 49 62044
18 27 13582
19 35 28430
20 33 14692
21 33 10654
22 33 51197
23 22 4687
24 44 35084
25 31 14739
26 31 6135
27 29 30428
28 27 12949
29 27 9158
30 34 14596
31 22 11063
32 27 11186
33 27 16010
34 27 22915
35 41 20158
36 23 8443
37 23 6153
38 16 1857
39 37 29266
40 33 52189
41 11 2099
42 24 6267
43 22 15473
44 31 23058
45 12 1940
46 34 61597
47 27 29470
48 32 10273
49 31 14239
50 25 3281
51 24 24306
52 27 21897
53 16 6001
54 9 3145
55 22 4340
56 19 14922
57 18 4812
58 21 9578
59 20 9081
60 18 15993
61 13 5744
62 13 2670
63 17 6187
64 16 11658
65 16 1917
66 15 4469
67 13 1603
68 13 870
69 8 2491
70 12 4398
71 11 2318
72 11 3534
73 6 2602
74 9 2034
75 8 3874
76 7 3034
77 7 1669
78 4 958
79 4 237
80 4 1252
81 4 860
82 4 201
83 4 815
84 3 754
85 3 740
86 3 1900
87 3 1260
88 3 652
89 2 1393
90 2 451
91 2 880
92 2 493
93 2 1406
94 1 500
95 1 709
96 1 337
97 1 5141
98 1 281
99 1 552
100 1 287

christian uplift playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular christian uplift music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.