
Genre christian

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Christian music is a diverse genre that ranges from traditional hymns to contemporary worship and gospel. It focuses on themes of faith, love, and devotion, often drawing inspiration from biblical texts. This music serves as a form of worship and spiritual expression, aiming to uplift and inspire listeners through its messages of hope, redemption, and praise. Christian music often incorporates elements from various musical styles, including pop, rock, and classical, to reach a wide audience and convey its spiritual messages. (AI Generated)

Most popular christian artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Christian genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 8455
2025 47
2024 1455
2023 2183
2022 1796
2021 1480
2020 1494
2010s 5870
2019 1121
2018 993
2017 675
2016 548
2015 514
2014 468
2013 456
2012 374
2011 333
2010 388
2000s 2135
2009 301
2008 307
2007 214
2006 239
2005 227
2004 171
2003 187
2002 165
2001 179
2000 145
1990s 907
1999 145
1998 128
1997 113
1996 99
1995 100
1994 78
1993 68
1992 59
1991 53
1990 64
1980s 263
1989 43
1988 49
1987 31
1986 31
1985 33
1984 16
1983 21
1982 18
1981 12
1980 9
1970s 50
1979 11
1978 7
1977 8
1976 6
1975 5
1974 6
1973 4
1972 3
17680 releases

christian playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular christian music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular christian Songs

Top New christian Songs of 2024

christian music by decade

Explore christian history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of christian artists

Here is a list of christian artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the christian genre. You can find out what christian genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 65 1424720
2 60 512277
3 64 2219361
4 61 1927531
5 60 1026346
6 59 1145897
7 58 363994
8 61 480737
9 68 2949257
10 60 114289
11 59 255521
12 65 1412525
13 63 724570
14 58 446372
15 72 1013925
16 64 439890
17 67 2013338
18 59 221243
19 61 262950
20 58 119649
21 67 346714
22 59 457472
23 59 682170
24 75 4302512
25 60 1378924
26 73 6533120
27 61 234160
28 61 852059
29 69 4133937
30 61 33047
31 59 654501
32 71 2015667
33 62 309739
34 66 1040677
35 64 178947
36 62 440311
37 62 473460
38 62 663194
39 60 1277580
40 58 197983
41 59 1235377
42 61 70228
43 57 391278
44 57 137143
45 57 91858
46 59 18223
47 59 677493
48 71 2430730
49 69 524386
50 66 153170
51 64 1378500
52 64 379509
53 62 1064022
54 60 78946
55 73 5387752
56 72 1007399
57 66 1963565
58 67 172047
59 67 834635
60 67 2083419
61 66 133986
62 66 2104752
63 64 429623
64 64 1859564
65 63 535240
66 61 238282
67 63 1360846
68 63 277162
69 63 2153354
70 63 2151304
71 62 1586820
72 62 210794
73 61 269143
74 61 869919
75 61 1065917
76 57 196632
77 60 651619
78 60 510441
79 59 80442
80 59 1246662
81 59 25731
82 59 515693
83 59 527919
84 59 687159
85 58 5572
86 58 89395
87 58 1237310
88 58 421026
89 58 16355
90 58 683838
91 57 216739
92 65 1333398
93 61 292372
94 61 600672
95 66 2323202
96 64 2512739
97 64 1026735
98 72 5471440
99 58 179765
100 62 1976879