
Genre christmas

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Christmas music is a festive genre that encompasses a wide variety of traditional and contemporary songs celebrating the holiday season. It often features themes of joy, peace, love, and goodwill, accompanied by melodies that evoke the warmth and nostalgia of Christmas traditions. This music typically blends elements of classical, pop, jazz, and folk, and is characterized by the use of bells, chimes, and uplifting harmonies that create a cheerful and festive atmosphere. Whether through classic carols or modern hits, Christmas music brings people together in shared celebration. (AI Generated)

Most popular christmas artists

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Parent Genre: jazz

Related genres

Instruments used

Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Piano, Trombone, Clarinet, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Trumpet, Saxophone, Double Bass, Horn Section, Acoustic Guitar, Organ

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Christmas genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1407
2025 6
2024 242
2023 356
2022 258
2021 264
2020 281
2010s 1796
2019 215
2018 197
2017 145
2016 175
2015 175
2014 173
2013 184
2012 161
2011 183
2010 188
2000s 1093
2009 146
2008 120
2007 145
2006 138
2005 114
2004 100
2003 99
2002 73
2001 78
2000 80
1990s 614
1999 72
1998 76
1997 60
1996 54
1995 56
1994 65
1993 80
1992 56
1991 51
1990 44
1980s 281
1989 37
1988 34
1987 31
1986 34
1985 21
1984 26
1983 30
1982 23
1981 23
1980 22
1970s 219
1979 14
1978 14
1977 16
1976 14
1975 17
1974 26
1973 32
1972 25
1971 30
1970 31
1960s 358
1969 33
1968 31
1967 30
1966 37
1965 35
1964 37
1963 43
1962 41
1961 35
1960 36
1950s 190
1959 36
1958 29
1957 28
1956 27
1955 24
1954 17
1953 5
1952 9
1951 3
1950 12
1940s 31
1949 8
1948 3
1947 3
1946 1
1945 4
1944 5
1943 2
1942 2
1941 3
1930s 11
1939 3
1938 2
1937 3
1936 1
1932 2
1920s 1
1927 1
1890s 1
1899 1
6002 releases

christmas playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular christmas music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular christmas Songs

Top New christmas Songs of 2024

christmas music by decade

Explore christmas history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of christmas artists

Here is a list of christmas artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the christmas genre. You can find out what christmas genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 78 7832934
2 68 2618083
3 71 1837638
4 63 974898
5 72 2409069
6 79 11082754
7 77 6673838
8 69 3544174
9 52 549637
10 74 10717368
11 64 563801
12 60 213617
13 71 576994
14 71 2946137
15 48 188244
16 70 171397
17 70 6347691
18 70 3926333
19 68 1531812
20 66 431257
21 66 1692825
22 67 377662
23 60 84512
24 62 50591
25 67 441822
26 63 625642
27 66 573717
28 64 1188417
29 63 169042
30 64 71354
31 63 39070
32 63 6877
33 62 1481488
34 62 1099337
35 57 53238
36 61 986181
37 55 66676
38 60 146380
39 60 372829
40 56 251919
41 60 65813
42 59 111231
43 51 193763
44 56 255178
45 58 78835
46 53 7253
47 57 1192118
48 58 19658
49 53 22735
50 54 439450
51 55 344174
52 57 2682
53 57 433841
54 57 202888
55 56 368315
56 48 53377
57 47 56218
58 53 378628
59 49 3942
60 54 165651
61 50 49432
62 49 16842
63 52 126930
64 52 276514
65 52 90076
66 49 85829
67 52 120534
68 51 43013
69 51 54918
70 47 45315
71 46 2843
72 48 86141
73 49 107901
74 49 125264
75 49 5305
76 47 55077
77 47 85291
78 46 83302
79 48 9601
80 48 676
81 48 9646
82 48 2607
83 48 2552
84 48 181767
85 47 2599
86 46 78574
87 47 22509
88 47 40695
89 45 40731
90 46 972
91 46 28478
92 47 61280
93 46 5918
94 46 80548
95 46 8444
96 46 5197
97 46 254677
98 46 29460
99 46 21207
100 45 9261