
Genre: classic bhangra

Play genre

Bhangra music is a traditional Punjabi folk music genre that originated in the northern region of India. It is characterized by its upbeat tempo, energetic rhythms, and use of traditional instruments such as the dhol, tumbi, and dholak. Classic bhangra music has evolved over the years and has incorporated elements of hip-hop, electronic, and reggae music. It is often associated with celebratory occasions such as weddings and festivals and is known for its infectious dance beats and catchy melodies. (AI Generated)

Most popular classic bhangra artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Classic Bhangra genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 76
2024 8
2023 13
2022 23
2021 22
2020 10
2010s 88
2019 6
2018 13
2017 8
2016 5
2015 6
2014 3
2013 6
2012 8
2011 16
2010 17
2000s 129
2009 17
2008 8
2007 6
2006 7
2005 12
2004 10
2003 20
2002 15
2001 16
2000 18
1990s 62
1999 11
1998 7
1997 4
1996 8
1995 7
1994 9
1993 6
1992 6
1991 1
1990 3
1980s 20
1989 3
1988 3
1987 1
1986 4
1985 1
1984 2
1982 2
1981 2
1980 2
1970s 1
1976 1
376 releases

Popular classic bhangra Songs

Top New classic bhangra Songs of 2024

classic bhangra music by decade

Explore classic bhangra history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classic bhangra artists

Here is a list of classic bhangra artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classic bhangra genre. You can find out what classic bhangra genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 1545436
2 53 448239
3 55 296915
4 53 954300
5 46 724187
6 44 439956
7 39 330548
8 31 155037
9 33 34355
10 33 205815
11 31 98487
12 30 153487
13 28 64235
14 28 101781
15 52 1213207
16 26 8657
17 26 3353
18 25 31031
19 50 529795
20 24 14293
21 23 42085
22 22 63459
23 21 5748
24 21 26322
25 20 35935
26 15 9996
27 15 39043
28 15 12922
29 14 37024
30 43 733125
31 11 9019
32 10 2587
33 9 19219
34 8 966
35 8 246
36 6 14108
37 6 14592
38 5 22406
39 3 10518
40 3 1467
41 38 6052
42 32 3653
43 24 8936
44 18 14649
45 18 6897
46 18 3290
47 16 4985
48 15 3545
49 15 993
50 12 3872
51 11 13579
52 11 4111
53 11 15896
54 10 2057
55 10 2426
56 9 12763
57 8 2543
58 8 1391
59 7 11631
60 6 155
61 6 2806
62 2 1437
63 4 78
64 3 1032
65 2 1548
66 2 1561
67 2 1722
68 2 3537
69 1 8591

classic bhangra playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classic bhangra music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.