
Genre classic blues

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Classic blues music is characterized by its soulful melodies, expressive vocals, and a strong emphasis on personal emotion and storytelling. Typically featuring a 12-bar structure and a distinctive use of the blue notes, this genre often incorporates instruments like the guitar, piano, and harmonica. Its roots in African American culture reflect themes of struggle, heartache, and resilience, offering a powerful blend of rhythm and feeling that serves as a cornerstone for many subsequent music styles. (AI Generated)

Most popular classic blues artists

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Parent Genre: blues

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Instruments used

Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Vocals, Bass Guitar, Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer, Organ, Horn Section, Trumpet, Trombone, Double Bass, Clarinet, Saxophone, Pedal Steel Guitar, Fiddle, Banjo

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Classic Blues genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 338
2025 2
2024 51
2023 104
2022 42
2021 70
2020 69
2010s 536
2019 63
2018 55
2017 46
2016 32
2015 57
2014 54
2013 55
2012 80
2011 53
2010 41
2000s 633
2009 51
2008 39
2007 66
2006 100
2005 89
2004 54
2003 66
2002 44
2001 58
2000 66
1990s 692
1999 67
1998 55
1997 79
1996 55
1995 59
1994 74
1993 66
1992 83
1991 96
1990 58
1980s 180
1989 38
1988 16
1987 24
1986 15
1985 12
1984 18
1983 14
1982 10
1981 17
1980 16
1970s 235
1979 14
1978 22
1977 21
1976 19
1975 17
1974 22
1973 29
1972 33
1971 31
1970 27
1960s 207
1969 42
1968 20
1967 20
1966 22
1965 18
1964 8
1963 13
1962 23
1961 14
1960 27
1950s 89
1959 14
1958 20
1957 10
1956 13
1955 4
1954 8
1953 4
1952 9
1951 5
1950 2
1940s 25
1949 1
1947 6
1946 2
1945 6
1944 1
1943 1
1942 1
1941 4
1940 3
1930s 44
1939 3
1938 2
1937 4
1936 6
1935 8
1934 3
1933 2
1932 3
1931 4
1930 9
1920s 72
1929 7
1928 13
1927 13
1926 8
1925 5
1924 6
1923 8
1922 4
1921 4
1920 4
1910s 1
1919 1
1900s 1
1908 1
3053 releases

classic blues playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classic blues music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular classic blues Songs

Top New classic blues Songs of 2024

classic blues music by decade

Explore classic blues history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classic blues artists

Here is a list of classic blues artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classic blues genre. You can find out what classic blues genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 51 839122
2 50 462253
3 49 228066
4 55 894376
5 48 364407
6 48 263720
7 44 146206
8 44 114734
9 42 146137
10 60 2540592
11 37 124625
12 60 2792137
13 32 34740
14 31 44699
15 31 12416
16 29 41210
17 41 264384
18 54 1320676
19 49 468104
20 47 203998
21 43 513788
22 41 187547
23 40 177776
24 38 55452
25 38 81970
26 37 33274
27 37 25889
28 36 31100
29 32 18776
30 46 188000
31 34 31157
32 33 19841
33 32 71363
34 31 73205
35 30 25035
36 41 180620
37 33 9531
38 55 648031
39 30 12421
40 50 535799
41 48 407058
42 45 432561
43 33 30017
44 43 198734
45 30 13696
46 31 2223
47 40 64878
48 36 93814
49 35 112898
50 33 45616
51 31 2511
52 30 55836
53 38 21085
54 50 166089
55 46 31899
56 44 597963
57 43 280015
58 37 140188
59 42 131640
60 37 205461
61 35 75226
62 36 28181
63 31 73710
64 34 109497
65 30 59120
66 34 74160
67 33 62632
68 30 48795
69 29 10715
70 31 34819
71 31 24426
72 31 161006
73 31 19365
74 30 31410
75 37 153703
76 35 48528
77 42 213073
78 45 326739
79 32 57720
80 30 94145
81 45 217881
82 30 16907
83 32 14502
84 42 196089
85 36 54377
86 35 36574
87 41 59468
88 39 175574
89 39 32484
90 39 158183
91 39 143475
92 33 40461
93 37 66227
94 37 34093
95 35 54345
96 31 2149
97 31 2158
98 31 25198
99 30 14059
100 33 7775