
Genre: classic colombian pop

Play genre

Colombian pop music is a genre that combines traditional Latin American rhythms with modern pop elements. It is characterized by upbeat tempos, catchy melodies, and heartfelt lyrics that often explore themes of love, heartbreak, and nostalgia. The genre has a strong following in Colombia and throughout Latin America, and has produced many popular artists over the years.

Most popular classic colombian pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Classic Colombian Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 263
2024 10
2023 60
2022 57
2021 36
2020 100
2010s 586
2019 142
2018 35
2017 63
2016 54
2015 116
2014 42
2013 15
2012 59
2011 38
2010 22
2000s 148
2009 11
2008 8
2007 11
2006 14
2005 7
2004 17
2003 13
2002 13
2001 21
2000 33
1990s 145
1999 27
1998 23
1997 13
1996 12
1995 12
1994 12
1993 12
1992 6
1991 19
1990 9
1980s 56
1989 3
1988 5
1987 7
1986 2
1985 5
1984 6
1983 5
1982 6
1981 7
1980 10
1970s 63
1979 6
1978 6
1977 5
1976 7
1975 7
1974 7
1973 15
1972 4
1970 6
1960s 42
1969 7
1968 2
1967 9
1966 4
1965 7
1964 4
1962 3
1961 2
1960 4
1950s 9
1959 1
1958 3
1956 1
1955 2
1954 1
1950 1
1930s 1
1930 1
1313 releases

Popular classic colombian pop Songs

Top New classic colombian pop Songs of 2024

classic colombian pop music by decade

Explore classic colombian pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classic colombian pop artists

Here is a list of classic colombian pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classic colombian pop genre. You can find out what classic colombian pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 56 201160
2 58 336411
3 53 293845
4 52 135440
5 51 119320
6 45 139938
7 46 145963
8 39 81762
9 60 706799
10 35 39785
11 57 638928
12 53 58162
13 47 332476
14 43 145278
15 43 61745
16 43 106553
17 42 190101
18 40 117212
19 39 47094
20 39 118623
21 33 73908
22 38 60394
23 44 126567
24 37 87635
25 47 106441
26 37 171505
27 35 37188
28 45 30288
29 44 46387
30 33 82734
31 32 45530
32 32 36739
33 34 12079
34 40 29691
35 30 44426
36 30 45125
37 37 25931
38 29 45653
39 29 22183
40 29 43694
41 28 11864
42 38 26466
43 38 64249
44 37 18781
45 36 52145
46 36 4316
47 26 30687
48 36 17444
49 25 24605
50 25 6851
51 25 35753
52 34 36442
53 31 19528
54 27 2496
55 24 4802
56 41 53520
57 42 24462
58 40 44795
59 41 17552
60 31 7352
61 37 2506
62 30 8564
63 30 4296
64 37 47751
65 29 5323
66 36 4694
67 24 7292
68 28 3376
69 31 29779
70 26 3122
71 33 10234
72 33 14196
73 27 7616
74 32 26652
75 32 14381
76 28 7612
77 24 5362
78 30 12029
79 26 10593
80 30 1449
81 30 8267
82 29 14689
83 29 13998
84 29 2638
85 29 36383
86 28 2472
87 28 3338
88 28 26554
89 27 3310
90 27 8737
91 26 2744
92 26 6998
93 25 2167
94 25 2512
95 23 14315
96 23 914
97 23 6362
98 23 7909
99 23 2123
100 23 10364

classic colombian pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classic colombian pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.