
Genre: classic italian pop

Play genre

Classic Italian pop music is a genre that emerged in the 1980s and 1990s, characterized by catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and heartfelt lyrics. It often incorporates elements of rock, blues, and soul, and is known for its passionate and emotional performances. This genre has produced some of the most iconic and beloved songs in Italian music history, and continues to be popular to this day.

Most popular classic italian pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Classic Italian Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 404
2024 67
2023 104
2022 84
2021 77
2020 72
2010s 1017
2019 88
2018 71
2017 81
2016 85
2015 105
2014 108
2013 134
2012 105
2011 127
2010 113
2000s 761
2009 103
2008 68
2007 76
2006 94
2005 51
2004 58
2003 56
2002 80
2001 76
2000 99
1990s 618
1999 81
1998 65
1997 93
1996 85
1995 63
1994 52
1993 43
1992 44
1991 45
1990 47
1980s 389
1989 37
1988 37
1987 39
1986 27
1985 35
1984 45
1983 40
1982 42
1981 47
1980 40
1970s 389
1979 44
1978 39
1977 39
1976 37
1975 31
1974 49
1973 46
1972 39
1971 25
1970 40
1960s 105
1969 15
1968 26
1967 13
1966 14
1965 7
1964 5
1963 9
1962 6
1961 8
1960 2
1950s 15
1959 2
1958 3
1956 3
1954 3
1953 2
1951 2
1940s 9
1949 1
1942 8
1890s 1
1899 1
3708 releases

Popular classic italian pop Songs

Top New classic italian pop Songs of 2024

classic italian pop music by decade

Explore classic italian pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classic italian pop artists

Here is a list of classic italian pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classic italian pop genre. You can find out what classic italian pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 61 998484
2 60 1251499
3 58 857145
4 62 1034322
5 56 789327
6 61 1288084
7 58 832600
8 48 283367
9 56 335258
10 49 441255
11 52 194684
12 52 337011
13 42 280485
14 50 312805
15 67 3679787
16 58 600483
17 55 291934
18 55 192574
19 55 400215
20 63 880135
21 45 190950
22 61 931494
23 61 332786
24 44 129384
25 61 389295
26 42 96444
27 42 125576
28 58 815402
29 58 867425
30 58 214102
31 49 428938
32 58 961328
33 48 337060
34 48 245747
35 56 884778
36 56 994615
37 55 455824
38 50 283632
39 50 214806
40 52 460323
41 52 482988
42 52 449423
43 51 176637
44 48 226237
45 51 366237
46 51 226857
47 51 427701
48 51 419776
49 51 143580
50 48 237438
51 47 149936
52 49 313862
53 49 146132
54 49 296403
55 48 361040
56 48 199943
57 46 291853
58 46 82103
59 44 42847
60 44 110524
61 45 253591
62 45 240114
63 44 55673
64 42 78893
65 42 90004
66 70 189169
67 67 243838
68 59 195041
69 58 149581
70 49 76346
71 50 364317
72 42 37219
73 51 145086
74 50 87200
75 46 70246
76 49 43698
77 49 108449
78 46 65462
79 44 73266
80 48 59446
81 47 31079
82 44 15312
83 47 44594
84 46 48494
85 46 26626
86 46 32917
87 45 69425
88 44 115837
89 45 14924
90 46 86135
91 45 105971
92 45 55011
93 45 25031
94 45 50481
95 45 68786
96 45 25470
97 43 35609
98 43 12791
99 42 25425
100 42 10335

classic italian pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classic italian pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.