
Genre: classic japanese jazz

Play genre

Classic Japanese jazz music is a genre that blends traditional jazz elements with Japanese cultural influences. It is characterized by its smooth and melodic sound, often featuring piano and saxophone as lead instruments. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many talented musicians emerging from Japan. Some notable features of this genre include intricate improvisation, unique arrangements, and a strong emphasis on rhythm and harmony.

Most popular classic japanese jazz artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Classic Japanese Jazz genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 50
2024 2
2023 14
2022 14
2021 14
2020 6
2010s 84
2019 10
2018 16
2017 17
2016 8
2015 7
2014 1
2013 12
2012 4
2011 4
2010 5
2000s 31
2009 4
2008 2
2007 3
2006 5
2005 3
2004 5
2003 3
2002 4
2001 2
1990s 29
1999 4
1998 2
1997 2
1996 4
1994 3
1993 1
1992 8
1991 3
1990 2
1980s 33
1989 1
1988 1
1987 4
1986 1
1985 4
1984 3
1983 4
1982 3
1981 7
1980 5
1970s 46
1979 4
1978 2
1977 7
1976 7
1975 6
1974 1
1973 5
1972 8
1971 1
1970 5
1960s 2
1969 2
1950s 1
1958 1
276 releases

Popular classic japanese jazz Songs

Top New classic japanese jazz Songs of 2024

classic japanese jazz music by decade

Explore classic japanese jazz history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classic japanese jazz artists

Here is a list of classic japanese jazz artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classic japanese jazz genre. You can find out what classic japanese jazz genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 390815
2 34 32854
3 34 16829
4 30 16039
5 29 11978
6 28 17238
7 49 167113
8 27 4600
9 25 17650
10 26 14294
11 23 6555
12 23 5444
13 45 39004
14 44 65872
15 44 76353
16 16 2450
17 18 2957
18 18 3267
19 39 35592
20 14 3013
21 14 1152
22 14 1026
23 13 5183
24 32 5636
25 11 427
26 32 10132
27 9 2507
28 7 590
29 6 458
30 23 3612
31 24 12625
32 23 5500
33 23 1497
34 23 5519
35 24 11283
36 1 155
37 22 4162
38 21 1647
39 20 4928
40 19 1108
41 18 3844
42 14 1452
43 16 457
44 16 1757
45 15 687
46 14 775
47 13 5201
48 12 654
49 12 785
50 12 428
51 12 567
52 12 1259
53 12 753
54 11 922
55 9 422
56 8 987
57 8 448
58 7 726
59 7 982
60 7 347
61 7 137
62 7 593
63 7 883
64 7 25
65 7 67
66 7 1104
67 7 676
68 6 5605
69 6 422
70 6 798
71 6 593
72 5 322
73 5 794
74 5 108
75 4 426
76 4 351
77 4 2012
78 4 121
79 3 163
80 2 86
81 2 298
82 2 393
83 2 180
84 2 186
85 2 973
86 1 133
87 1 168
88 1 244
89 1 86
90 1 1278
91 1 274
92 1 76
93 1 3338
94 1 72
95 1 525
96 1 28
97 1 143

classic japanese jazz playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classic japanese jazz music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.