
Genre: classic soul

Play genre

Classic soul music is a genre that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, characterized by its smooth, emotive vocals and gospel-inspired melodies. The genre often deals with themes of love, heartbreak, and social justice. Classic soul music is known for its use of horns, strings, and other orchestral elements, as well as its incorporation of blues and R&B influences. It has been influential in shaping the sound of modern pop and R&B music.

Most popular classic soul artists

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Parent Genre: R&B

Related genres

Instruments used

Piano, Drum Kit, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Horn Section, Organ, Keyboard/Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Harmonica, Saxophone, Trumpet, Double Bass, Trombone, Clarinet, Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Classic Soul genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 411
2024 41
2023 124
2022 68
2021 89
2020 89
2010s 755
2019 95
2018 70
2017 81
2016 60
2015 69
2014 95
2013 56
2012 74
2011 68
2010 87
2000s 616
2009 80
2008 80
2007 82
2006 55
2005 85
2004 40
2003 37
2002 40
2001 52
2000 65
1990s 370
1999 48
1998 40
1997 36
1996 58
1995 51
1994 33
1993 40
1992 28
1991 20
1990 16
1980s 429
1989 22
1988 27
1987 28
1986 23
1985 35
1984 48
1983 53
1982 54
1981 71
1980 68
1970s 877
1979 75
1978 81
1977 88
1976 106
1975 91
1974 98
1973 107
1972 83
1971 67
1970 81
1960s 379
1969 69
1968 68
1967 43
1966 43
1965 45
1964 26
1963 31
1962 24
1961 19
1960 11
1950s 18
1959 7
1958 7
1957 1
1956 1
1955 1
1954 1
3855 releases

Popular classic soul Songs

Top New classic soul Songs of 2024

classic soul music by decade

Explore classic soul history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classic soul artists

Here is a list of classic soul artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classic soul genre. You can find out what classic soul genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 47 337195
2 65 580724
3 53 244732
4 49 382379
5 52 476203
6 60 946425
7 47 282137
8 43 224574
9 54 469623
10 50 455839
11 45 291629
12 47 337661
13 57 875152
14 58 1300351
15 52 657823
16 53 613520
17 47 679707
18 44 388790
19 58 501881
20 50 712915
21 57 278244
22 43 251144
23 57 1311421
24 46 592327
25 51 358719
26 54 1290894
27 54 415761
28 51 402964
29 51 681282
30 47 581074
31 54 268442
32 48 407410
33 58 1438721
34 67 2032026
35 49 191328
36 56 600336
37 48 432435
38 53 574171
39 50 555562
40 62 1873647
41 51 218754
42 58 711114
43 64 1150240
44 75 1772954
45 58 1027800
46 75 5471480
47 60 467440
48 63 1004432
49 69 3010925
50 45 199977
51 47 277572
52 64 1721637
53 70 187929
54 57 1219922
55 55 464686
56 47 289871
57 51 327596
58 51 356699
59 52 313677
60 48 163035
61 72 2305425
62 72 3457815
63 47 230712
64 46 196642
65 53 137061
66 52 761806
67 51 799119
68 56 455813
69 59 1117784
70 53 350348
71 58 308061
72 43 237200
73 60 341725
74 54 319306
75 55 632794
76 51 291349
77 55 520465
78 44 68292
79 70 2366284
80 61 553244
81 69 1666233
82 49 40785
83 47 55030
84 44 73646
85 44 135331
86 53 126630
87 50 88498
88 44 110584
89 44 126777
90 46 79436
91 49 109862
92 47 103106
93 45 35750
94 58 219666
95 45 36447
96 47 92899
97 49 82155
98 45 48196
99 45 28326
100 44 19503

classic soul playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classic soul music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.