
Genre: classic venezuelan pop

Play genre

Classic Venezuelan pop music is a genre that combines elements of traditional Latin American music with modern pop and jazz influences. It is characterized by its upbeat rhythms, catchy melodies, and lively instrumentation, often featuring brass and percussion instruments. This genre has been popular in Venezuela since the mid-20th century and has produced many iconic bands and musicians.

Most popular classic venezuelan pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Classic Venezuelan Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 133
2024 14
2023 23
2022 29
2021 23
2020 44
2010s 287
2019 13
2018 23
2017 10
2016 128
2015 38
2014 16
2013 22
2012 8
2011 18
2010 11
2000s 169
2009 17
2008 24
2007 27
2006 18
2005 13
2004 5
2003 6
2002 27
2001 15
2000 17
1990s 239
1999 14
1998 19
1997 28
1996 27
1995 59
1994 22
1993 21
1992 24
1991 11
1990 14
1980s 101
1989 17
1988 9
1987 13
1986 14
1985 9
1984 9
1983 5
1982 9
1981 8
1980 8
1970s 59
1979 8
1978 10
1977 8
1976 8
1975 9
1974 4
1973 4
1972 4
1971 1
1970 3
1960s 26
1969 2
1968 7
1967 4
1966 5
1965 2
1964 1
1962 4
1961 1
1950s 2
1959 1
1956 1
1016 releases

Popular classic venezuelan pop Songs

Top New classic venezuelan pop Songs of 2024

classic venezuelan pop music by decade

Explore classic venezuelan pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classic venezuelan pop artists

Here is a list of classic venezuelan pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classic venezuelan pop genre. You can find out what classic venezuelan pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 46 145412
2 34 52419
3 53 328431
4 30 48192
5 50 181823
6 50 155623
7 45 129755
8 42 104133
9 31 59306
10 37 33155
11 49 148392
12 34 31883
13 32 31580
14 38 90943
15 35 28196
16 51 131725
17 26 27248
18 31 13710
19 32 25829
20 32 1760
21 33 58411
22 30 8844
23 48 64834
24 30 19944
25 29 28153
26 29 8356
27 24 15318
28 29 8340
29 25 14875
30 25 14684
31 43 104795
32 45 82167
33 45 118146
34 28 43741
35 42 58036
36 28 26520
37 42 97695
38 25 17499
39 42 78593
40 23 13564
41 25 15099
42 23 8200
43 22 7784
44 24 9848
45 22 4429
46 39 74867
47 21 13212
48 22 19568
49 22 25187
50 20 4197
51 22 9155
52 19 5351
53 21 10617
54 35 36045
55 34 45893
56 41 107129
57 20 7457
58 33 3790
59 39 27236
60 37 33745
61 17 8428
62 39 15588
63 38 82033
64 33 36052
65 28 51329
66 36 27554
67 32 11979
68 32 13854
69 35 4620
70 34 75696
71 29 8294
72 32 7847
73 32 19215
74 32 17837
75 27 32134
76 23 12224
77 26 5427
78 30 4690
79 27 33163
80 21 6625
81 29 28407
82 28 44731
83 28 11151
84 18 3615
85 16 5132
86 25 6426
87 24 6121
88 23 40759
89 22 9005
90 22 6983
91 17 4686
92 20 2756
93 20 358
94 19 9325
95 19 1530
96 19 1243
97 18 4977
98 17 4661
99 17 3593
100 17 13219

classic venezuelan pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classic venezuelan pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.