
Genre: classical countertenor

Play genre

Classical countertenor music is a vocal genre characterized by the use of a male singing voice in the alto or soprano range. It is often associated with early music and Baroque repertoire, and requires a high level of technical skill and control. The countertenor voice has a unique and ethereal quality, and is often used to convey emotional depth and sensitivity in both sacred and secular works.

Most popular classical countertenor artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Classical Countertenor genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 3
2024 1
2022 1
2021 1
2010s 6
2018 1
2017 2
2012 2
2010 1
2000s 2
2008 2
11 releases

Popular classical countertenor Songs

classical countertenor music by decade

Explore classical countertenor history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classical countertenor artists

Here is a list of classical countertenor artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classical countertenor genre. You can find out what classical countertenor genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 45 69077
2 43 40671
3 28 7950
4 33 2702
5 33 4340
6 31 2143
7 24 4175
8 30 4152
9 30 1467
10 30 978
11 29 1410
12 27 6452
13 26 2280
14 25 2997
15 19 2650
16 24 1118
17 24 1305
18 18 400
19 23 308
20 17 626
21 17 1466
22 16 2520
23 21 202
24 21 852
25 20 302
26 19 380
27 19 204
28 18 1806
29 18 2396
30 18 468
31 17 461
32 17 134
33 16 2307
34 16 68
35 10 1053
36 15 109
37 15 117
38 14 561
39 14 154
40 14 233
41 14 228
42 13 547
43 13 2472
44 12 875
45 12 249
46 11 470
47 11 437
48 10 2547
49 8 201
50 8 330
51 7 56
52 7 65
53 7 324
54 7 502
55 6 176
56 6 40
57 5 26
58 5 68
59 4 135
60 4 88
61 4 307
62 3 64
63 3 390
64 3 67
65 3 133
66 2 220
67 2 36
68 1 232
69 1 228
70 1 35

classical countertenor playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classical countertenor music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.