
Genre: classical era

Play genre

Parent Genre: classical

Classical era music is characterized by its balanced and symmetrical compositions, with a focus on clarity and simplicity. It is known for its use of orchestral instruments, such as the piano, violin, and cello, and its emphasis on melody and harmony. The music of this era is often associated with elegance, refinement, and sophistication, and has been influential in shaping the development of Western classical music.

Most popular classical era artists

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Popular classical era Songs

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classical era music by decade

Explore classical era history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classical era artists

Here is a list of classical era artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classical era genre. You can find out what classical era genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 43 13696
2 59 118540
3 30 7450
4 72 5186557
5 37 6465
6 35 5126
7 28 2604
8 18 1599
9 31 3091
10 27 1355
11 25 1461
12 53 36469
13 27 1391
14 15 1032
15 14 1221
16 13 499
17 43 13481
18 19 1027
19 21 1076
20 55 51742
21 63 1092276
22 14 1203
23 75 5314542
24 37 10727
25 37 2467
26 37 15473
27 35 15698
28 13 351
29 28 5110
30 29 5714
31 29 5025
32 32 55214
33 26 972
34 24 2913
35 30 7451
36 31 3495
37 29 5660
38 56 620745
39 25 1399
40 41 17399
41 15 833
42 16 277
43 23 6103
44 49 110711
45 14 421
46 30 13144
47 49 20282
48 39 14091
49 19 2720
50 28 3558
51 31 6347
52 14 310
53 31 3193
54 13 872
55 31 9354
56 18 517
57 36 18593
58 19 2380
59 16 185
60 14 980
61 46 7908
62 16 886
63 42 21564
64 13 1024
65 13 457
66 20 1274
67 15 15875
68 38 17632
69 35 75895
70 26 2690
71 30 3189
72 24 3720
73 17 1483
74 16 2016
75 16 1106
76 16 973
77 27 901
78 31 1906
79 31 22110
80 30 4144
81 28 763
82 27 5968
83 20 1533
84 27 4322
85 24 4063
86 13 404
87 22 778
88 18 11533
89 19 1243
90 15 1609
91 14 2024
92 18 950
93 18 907
94 17 507
95 15 814
96 14 2472
97 14 1643
98 14 4292
99 14 2656
100 13 1040

classical era playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classical era music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.