
Genre: classical mezzo-soprano

Play genre

Classical mezzo-soprano music is a vocal genre characterized by a rich and warm tone that falls between the soprano and alto ranges. Mezzo-sopranos often sing roles that are complex and emotionally charged, requiring a high level of technical skill and dramatic interpretation. This genre is known for its powerful and expressive performances, with a repertoire that spans from Baroque to contemporary opera and art songs.

Most popular classical mezzo-soprano artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Classical Mezzo-soprano genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1
2022 1
2010s 1
2014 1
2000s 5
2006 3
2005 1
2001 1
1990s 4
1994 1
1993 1
1991 2
11 releases

Popular classical mezzo-soprano Songs

classical mezzo-soprano music by decade

Explore classical mezzo-soprano history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of classical mezzo-soprano artists

Here is a list of classical mezzo-soprano artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the classical mezzo-soprano genre. You can find out what classical mezzo-soprano genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 45 93714
2 40 27234
3 38 32215
4 28 4153
5 35 8758
6 35 3097
7 33 23868
8 34 6878
9 33 7715
10 33 19835
11 31 436
12 31 6435
13 22 3034
14 31 13782
15 30 12734
16 20 1530
17 29 3752
18 28 8339
19 28 2017
20 26 4710
21 24 5439
22 21 888
23 21 1611
24 19 3894
25 18 4225
26 18 2187
27 17 2815
28 34 664
29 42 383
30 13 895
31 29 258
32 25 278
33 32 458
34 29 5821
35 28 311
36 27 1260
37 27 611
38 25 702
39 24 1758
40 25 287
41 24 7255
42 24 300
43 24 496
44 23 155
45 23 818
46 14 222
47 13 892
48 22 1651
49 21 705
50 20 86
51 20 163
52 20 279
53 20 559
54 19 171
55 19 1841
56 17 1542
57 18 294
58 18 465
59 16 197
60 17 807
61 17 1095
62 17 1352
63 17 729
64 16 296
65 16 310
66 16 180
67 16 181
68 16 211
69 16 91
70 16 255
71 15 121
72 15 653
73 15 105
74 15 176
75 15 209
76 14 740
77 15 3242
78 15 455
79 12 644
80 14 67
81 14 150
82 14 151
83 14 143
84 14 764
85 14 265
86 14 1527
87 14 242
88 13 99
89 13 169
90 13 165
91 13 58
92 13 239
93 13 99
94 12 93
95 12 84
96 12 29
97 12 64
98 12 45
99 12 466
100 11 222

classical mezzo-soprano playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular classical mezzo-soprano music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.