
Genre cold wave

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Cold wave music is a genre that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s, characterized by its minimalistic and atmospheric sound. It features a blend of post-punk, new wave, and electronic influences, often incorporating melancholic melodies and brooding synthesizers. The genre is known for its dark, moody aesthetic and introspective lyrics, creating an immersive and emotive listening experience. (AI Generated)

Most popular cold wave artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Cold Wave genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 5849
2025 31
2024 1022
2023 1816
2022 1162
2021 964
2020 854
2010s 3219
2019 645
2018 521
2017 399
2016 357
2015 275
2014 265
2013 240
2012 178
2011 196
2010 143
2000s 651
2009 105
2008 90
2007 85
2006 65
2005 60
2004 43
2003 60
2002 52
2001 41
2000 50
1990s 414
1999 36
1998 36
1997 27
1996 49
1995 43
1994 50
1993 43
1992 33
1991 46
1990 51
1980s 559
1989 34
1988 48
1987 61
1986 61
1985 54
1984 68
1983 60
1982 63
1981 67
1980 43
1970s 31
1979 19
1978 7
1977 4
1975 1
10723 releases

cold wave playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular cold wave music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular cold wave Songs

Top New cold wave Songs of 2024

cold wave music by decade

Explore cold wave history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of cold wave artists

Here is a list of cold wave artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the cold wave genre. You can find out what cold wave genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 45 230563
2 42 178260
3 53 368547
4 54 613720
5 51 77135
6 47 354582
7 36 48815
8 58 1231153
9 53 958357
10 37 103725
11 40 54074
12 35 57263
13 38 135660
14 39 70014
15 41 167109
16 40 96302
17 40 177669
18 41 29940
19 48 226605
20 35 90294
21 36 68972
22 54 165298
23 54 473617
24 39 129801
25 39 101740
26 36 65909
27 35 139562
28 44 210382
29 39 100523
30 62 1439732
31 43 54452
32 43 58252
33 35 128436
34 35 84978
35 40 68367
36 52 123145
37 37 86630
38 39 19393
39 39 26539
40 38 75756
41 38 18577
42 38 27538
43 44 152420
44 37 15433
45 37 26187
46 62 2626716
47 35 39296
48 50 411302
49 46 322304
50 46 250183
51 46 144556
52 44 98398
53 44 63439
54 40 88613
55 42 166312
56 40 70963
57 40 31814
58 39 106040
59 38 23019
60 47 64541
61 36 58443
62 46 63786
63 44 13760
64 40 17919
65 36 79491
66 41 136136
67 36 16773
68 35 108094
69 40 11821
70 39 3274
71 36 45097
72 37 18772
73 37 16657
74 36 15471
75 36 59255
76 35 10120
77 40 156671
78 42 203027
79 39 57794
80 60 2033766
81 39 97174
82 39 9592
83 45 59307
84 43 157570
85 42 13148
86 41 46122
87 36 24839
88 42 118708
89 45 60289
90 45 42613
91 45 220328
92 38 58273
93 39 11022
94 37 9618
95 35 26452
96 43 61251
97 40 179602
98 40 91523
99 40 38898
100 36 13107