
Genre: comedienne

Play genre

Comedienne music is a genre that combines stand-up comedy with music, often featuring humorous lyrics and catchy melodies. The genre is known for its witty and irreverent approach to social commentary, and its performers often use music as a tool to enhance their comedic performances. Comedienne musicians often draw on a variety of musical styles, from pop and rock to hip-hop and country, and their performances are typically high-energy and interactive, engaging audiences with their humor and musical talent.

Most popular comedienne artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Comedienne genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 20
2024 3
2023 4
2022 3
2021 5
2020 5
2010s 63
2019 6
2018 3
2017 6
2016 11
2015 8
2014 7
2013 5
2012 3
2011 8
2010 6
2000s 20
2009 3
2008 2
2007 4
2006 2
2005 3
2003 4
2002 1
2000 1
1990s 3
1999 1
1998 1
1995 1
1980s 1
1983 1
107 releases

Popular comedienne Songs

comedienne music by decade

Explore comedienne history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of comedienne artists

Here is a list of comedienne artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the comedienne genre. You can find out what comedienne genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 29 19073
2 41 23631
3 55 1808
4 22 632
5 22 2295
6 14 1069
7 13 1089
8 29 14265
9 11 1611
10 40 13674
11 10 1406
12 9 1100
13 32 35309
14 23 3929
15 16 1836
16 31 27905
17 26 26400
18 15 1358
19 29 24976
20 8 2017
21 7 1217
22 12 670
23 24 51408
24 23 4554
25 22 11532
26 5 9427
27 5 400
28 3 60
29 16 4098
30 13 15715
31 3 599
32 16 155
33 13 4901
34 1 154
35 13 8511
36 13 7882
37 12 4563
38 12 2611
39 12 909
40 11 1153
41 11 1524
42 7 1425
43 10 1476
44 9 3670
45 8 1634
46 8 643
47 8 1635
48 8 1378
49 7 2158
50 7 1343
51 3 898
52 6 784
53 6 144
54 5 3250
55 5 370
56 5 1634
57 4 2347
58 1 18189
59 4 964
60 4 629
61 4 718
62 4 145
63 3 7160
64 3 169
65 2 171
66 2 457
67 2 56
68 2 527
69 2 178
70 2 150
71 2 250
72 2 4052
73 1 142
74 1 312
75 1 145
76 1 714
77 1 209
78 1 617
79 1 140
80 1 652

comedienne playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular comedienne music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.