
Genre: comedy

Play genre

Comedy music is a genre that combines humor and music to create a unique form of entertainment. It often features witty lyrics, catchy melodies, and humorous themes that poke fun at everyday life. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many comedians incorporating music into their acts. Some of the common themes in comedy music include food, relationships, and pop culture. The genre is known for its lighthearted and playful nature, and it is often used as a way to bring laughter and joy to audiences. (AI Generated)

Most popular comedy artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Comedy genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 75
2024 9
2023 13
2022 12
2021 25
2020 16
2010s 222
2019 29
2018 29
2017 17
2016 18
2015 17
2014 22
2013 27
2012 21
2011 23
2010 19
2000s 80
2009 17
2008 8
2007 17
2006 8
2005 7
2004 7
2003 8
2002 3
2001 3
2000 2
1990s 36
1999 3
1998 6
1997 7
1996 3
1995 3
1994 2
1993 2
1992 2
1990 8
1980s 2
1988 1
1985 1
1970s 2
1978 1
1976 1
417 releases

Popular comedy Songs

Top New comedy Songs of 2024

comedy music by decade

Explore comedy history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of comedy artists

Here is a list of comedy artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the comedy genre. You can find out what comedy genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 953283
2 55 7633
3 57 202848
4 57 77940
5 53 86493
6 53 411408
7 51 173454
8 51 200499
9 51 208867
10 49 267970
11 48 82280
12 50 40987
13 50 73829
14 49 110944
15 48 29793
16 47 101724
17 47 25780
18 47 372478
19 46 24094
20 46 102603
21 46 100352
22 45 162647
23 45 4060
24 44 12147
25 43 40511
26 43 250703
27 41 34067
28 44 72777
29 44 37840
30 44 77931
31 43 34322
32 43 129783
33 43 18546
34 43 20267
35 41 110142
36 41 65066
37 39 105973
38 42 22544
39 41 154829
40 41 10670
41 41 101431
42 39 61529
43 38 13261
44 38 132465
45 41 24493
46 41 56563
47 41 2644
48 41 41954
49 41 65736
50 40 130670
51 40 124312
52 40 15863
53 39 16261
54 40 13123
55 39 107162
56 39 91508
57 39 2907
58 39 4738
59 36 36602
60 38 3743
61 38 12330
62 38 3132
63 38 14323
64 36 19759
65 37 11997
66 37 81852
67 37 27320
68 37 19969
69 37 2686
70 34 45387
71 35 15303
72 37 5195
73 36 3280
74 36 49545
75 35 34799
76 36 5304
77 36 9183
78 36 9364
79 36 164923
80 36 5833
81 36 42977
82 36 63568
83 36 5050
84 36 19117
85 36 1817
86 35 35373
87 35 6816
88 35 3949
89 35 8507
90 35 12169
91 34 59413
92 34 25984
93 34 1766
94 34 7365
95 34 3882
96 34 96342
97 34 15293
98 34 46465
99 34 59227
100 33 6219

comedy playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular comedy music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.