
Genre: corridos cristianos

Play genre

Corridos cristianos is a subgenre of Mexican folk music that incorporates Christian themes and messages. The music typically features acoustic guitars, accordions, and trumpets, and the lyrics often tell stories of faith, redemption, and the struggles of everyday life. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with a number of artists producing music that appeals to both traditional corrido fans and Christian audiences.

Most popular corridos cristianos artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Corridos Cristianos genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 179
2024 11
2023 44
2022 39
2021 44
2020 41
2010s 233
2019 38
2018 37
2017 24
2016 32
2015 21
2014 23
2013 21
2012 15
2011 12
2010 10
2000s 60
2009 8
2008 7
2007 10
2006 7
2005 6
2004 7
2003 2
2002 4
2001 3
2000 6
1990s 18
1999 4
1998 3
1997 3
1996 2
1994 1
1993 1
1992 2
1991 1
1990 1
1980s 3
1986 1
1984 1
1980 1
493 releases

Popular corridos cristianos Songs

Top New corridos cristianos Songs of 2024

corridos cristianos music by decade

Explore corridos cristianos history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of corridos cristianos artists

Here is a list of corridos cristianos artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the corridos cristianos genre. You can find out what corridos cristianos genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 51 109917
2 48 69598
3 41 34453
4 38 23973
5 42 51485
6 41 19232
7 40 33541
8 40 59388
9 39 25518
10 34 26276
11 38 60839
12 38 45546
13 38 24930
14 37 13120
15 37 18084
16 37 45360
17 36 18605
18 34 12594
19 34 8254
20 34 13519
21 33 27144
22 33 11842
23 33 10781
24 32 7416
25 32 32281
26 32 8467
27 31 9819
28 31 4620
29 31 4585
30 31 12379
31 31 9069
32 26 7706
33 30 6328
34 30 7281
35 30 15864
36 30 8006
37 29 1313
38 29 10122
39 28 9237
40 28 3701
41 22 4676
42 27 6509
43 26 6965
44 26 7471
45 25 8899
46 25 14781
47 25 11053
48 25 4974
49 24 3467
50 23 6372
51 23 4379
52 23 7455
53 23 6818
54 22 5148
55 22 6048
56 21 5825
57 21 1146
58 19 5746
59 19 14406
60 19 4374
61 18 5012
62 18 2825
63 18 12351
64 17 1136
65 17 1590
66 16 2843
67 16 4537
68 15 2668
69 11 1097
70 8 569
71 8 4442
72 6 810
73 6 711
74 5 728
75 5 1371
76 2 256
77 2 246
78 1 3149
79 1 4539

corridos cristianos playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular corridos cristianos music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.