
Genre: cover acustico

Play genre

Acoustic covers is a music genre that involves artists performing stripped-down versions of popular songs using only acoustic instruments. This genre often showcases the raw talent of the artist and their ability to create a unique interpretation of a well-known song. The artists in this genre often have a strong vocal presence and are able to convey emotion through their music. Their performances are often intimate and create a sense of connection between the artist and the audience.

Most popular cover acustico artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Cover Acustico genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 335
2024 17
2023 71
2022 60
2021 95
2020 92
2010s 177
2019 54
2018 49
2017 55
2016 7
2015 6
2014 4
2013 1
2010 1
512 releases

Popular cover acustico Songs

Top New cover acustico Songs of 2024

cover acustico music by decade

Explore cover acustico history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of cover acustico artists

Here is a list of cover acustico artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the cover acustico genre. You can find out what cover acustico genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 43 34471
2 40 6031
3 38 1286
4 37 13383
5 36 8580
6 36 1290
7 35 14091
8 35 44375
9 35 623
10 34 6978
11 34 1182
12 32 37805
13 32 41323
14 32 673
15 30 4174
16 31 11430
17 31 496
18 31 2055
19 30 9894
20 30 1345
21 29 33158
22 28 11680
23 28 1108
24 27 13168
25 27 840
26 26 6717
27 26 618
28 25 3733
29 25 994
30 24 815
31 23 627
32 22 639
33 22 2104
34 21 570
35 21 4832
36 21 3963
37 20 1083
38 20 4246
39 20 730
40 19 1380
41 19 536
42 18 729
43 18 407
44 17 782
45 17 439
46 16 652
47 16 628
48 16 368
49 15 3034
50 15 960
51 13 393
52 13 838
53 11 97
54 10 1255
55 8 1155
56 8 387
57 7 75
58 6 901
59 6 252
60 4 344
61 4 483
62 3 229
63 3 490

cover acustico playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular cover acustico music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.