
Genre: d-beat

Play genre

D-beat is a subgenre of punk rock that originated in the UK in the late 1970s. It is characterized by its fast, aggressive drum beats and distorted guitar riffs. The lyrics often focus on political and social issues, with an emphasis on anti-authoritarianism and anti-war sentiments. D-beat bands often incorporate elements of hardcore punk and metal into their sound, resulting in a raw and intense style of music. Discharge, Doom, and Anti Cimex are all influential bands within the d-beat genre.

Most popular d-beat artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of D-beat genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 44
2024 3
2023 18
2022 9
2021 4
2020 10
2010s 61
2019 9
2018 10
2017 7
2016 9
2015 5
2014 3
2013 5
2012 7
2011 5
2010 1
2000s 21
2009 2
2008 3
2007 2
2006 2
2004 1
2003 4
2002 5
2000 2
1990s 12
1998 1
1997 1
1995 3
1994 1
1993 4
1990 2
1980s 20
1985 4
1984 8
1983 4
1982 2
1981 2
158 releases

Popular d-beat Songs

d-beat music by decade

Explore d-beat history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of d-beat artists

Here is a list of d-beat artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the d-beat genre. You can find out what d-beat genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 36 37253
2 29 38373
3 39 123042
4 25 28223
5 24 15671
6 17 15509
7 29 35513
8 16 8988
9 23 12085
10 14 11601
11 17 12359
12 22 12448
13 11 4165
14 12 7059
15 11 6361
16 8 3924
17 21 6539
18 7 3121
19 6 1822
20 12 11796
21 14 2958
22 12 4480
23 24 32312
24 24 18217
25 2 746
26 19 12420
27 17 8896
28 15 8238
29 18 2865
30 3 1682
31 14 1286
32 10 2017
33 9 628
34 8 989
35 2 1340
36 6 1043
37 5 769
38 5 432
39 4 1045
40 4 603
41 4 957
42 4 754
43 3 1174
44 3 593
45 3 836
46 3 202
47 3 561
48 3 615
49 3 1140
50 3 1269
51 2 1660
52 1 742
53 2 428
54 2 720
55 1 555
56 1 679
57 1 711
58 1 821
59 1 31
60 1 171
61 1 261
62 1 406
63 1 413

d-beat playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular d-beat music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.