
Genre dark pop

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Dark pop is a subgenre of pop music that incorporates elements of electronic, alternative, and gothic music. It often features haunting melodies, moody lyrics, and atmospheric production. The genre explores themes of love, heartbreak, and mental health, often delving into the darker aspects of these topics. The vocals are typically emotive and raw, conveying a sense of vulnerability and introspection. Dark pop artists often experiment with unconventional song structures and instrumentation, creating a unique and captivating sound. (AI Generated)

Most popular dark pop artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Dark Pop genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 399
2025 1
2024 53
2023 78
2022 78
2021 89
2020 100
2010s 211
2019 56
2018 56
2017 30
2016 32
2015 16
2014 7
2013 5
2012 1
2011 5
2010 3
610 releases

dark pop playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular dark pop music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular dark pop Songs

Top New dark pop Songs of 2024

Most popular dark pop albums

Arcane League of Legends: Season 2 (Soundtrack from the Animated Series)
More Than a Friend
Arcane League of Legends (Soundtrack from the Animated Series)
Pretty Girl
Arcane League of Legends: Season 2 (from the series Arcane League of Legends)
Arcane League of Legends (Soundtrack from the Animated Series)
I Really F**ked It Up

dark pop music by decade

Explore dark pop history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of dark pop artists

Here is a list of dark pop artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the dark pop genre. You can find out what dark pop genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 60 2037216
2 51 866694
3 55 69541
4 43 309302
5 50 247502
6 59 59597
7 49 112445
8 49 407554
9 47 354328
10 48 255705
11 47 22075
12 37 32005
13 41 85750
14 37 12417
15 39 41896
16 29 20424
17 36 907
18 35 28044
19 33 11769
20 35 24867
21 35 18181
22 35 37839
23 34 18766
24 33 11803
25 33 19255
26 31 21160
27 30 26291
28 28 9196
29 26 4052
30 26 3447
31 25 6574
32 25 7705
33 24 6798
34 20 2383
35 22 7454
36 22 3217
37 21 3373
38 19 8984
39 14 536
40 13 1784
41 12 6916
42 9 1708
43 8 145
44 3 2510