
Genre darkwave

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Darkwave music is a subgenre of new wave and post-punk, characterized by its somber and introspective tone. It often features a blend of synthesizers, ethereal vocals, and atmospheric soundscapes that create a sense of melancholy and mystery. The genre explores themes of existentialism, emotional depth, and the darker aspects of the human experience, making it a haunting and immersive listening experience. (AI Generated)

Most popular darkwave artists

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Parent Genre: metal

Related genres

Instruments used

Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit, Vocals, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Double Bass, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Darkwave genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 7460
2025 25
2024 1404
2023 2360
2022 1460
2021 1150
2020 1061
2010s 4472
2019 801
2018 689
2017 543
2016 492
2015 373
2014 399
2013 349
2012 268
2011 304
2010 254
2000s 1567
2009 253
2008 216
2007 192
2006 200
2005 154
2004 150
2003 123
2002 99
2001 95
2000 85
1990s 677
1999 76
1998 71
1997 68
1996 72
1995 58
1994 63
1993 80
1992 61
1991 59
1990 69
1980s 548
1989 52
1988 50
1987 73
1986 66
1985 58
1984 62
1983 60
1982 55
1981 42
1980 30
1970s 26
1979 20
1978 5
1977 1
14750 releases

darkwave playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular darkwave music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular darkwave Songs

Top New darkwave Songs of 2024

darkwave music by decade

Explore darkwave history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of darkwave artists

Here is a list of darkwave artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the darkwave genre. You can find out what darkwave genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 47 354150
2 42 178260
3 52 367617
4 45 230563
5 54 613720
6 58 1231153
7 53 958357
8 51 77135
9 44 152372
10 41 29940
11 41 166935
12 39 129801
13 40 54074
14 39 101740
15 40 177669
16 48 225136
17 52 123145
18 39 100523
19 40 96302
20 54 164497
21 54 473080
22 44 210195
23 62 1439732
24 62 2624052
25 43 54452
26 43 58252
27 40 68367
28 39 19393
29 39 26539
30 40 156671
31 47 64541
32 40 230588
33 50 409736
34 46 250183
35 46 322065
36 46 144337
37 44 98169
38 44 63297
39 42 166312
40 40 88613
41 40 31814
42 40 70963
43 39 106040
44 38 22870
45 43 246690
46 46 63786
47 44 13760
48 41 136136
49 40 17919
50 40 11642
51 39 3262
52 39 57794
53 39 97174
54 75 6128517
55 45 190332
56 41 215301
57 39 9592
58 42 92897
59 40 36920
60 55 984057
61 61 549353
62 42 118708
63 45 42613
64 45 60289
65 38 78943
66 43 51055
67 73 6882929
68 51 150262
69 44 38607
70 49 552465
71 45 220328
72 47 201492
73 43 13437
74 42 8817
75 43 113387
76 46 234941
77 44 184858
78 39 11022
79 40 38560
80 45 205617
81 45 117355
82 64 791813
83 63 784174
84 61 384688
85 45 71891
86 49 15215
87 50 348687
88 63 503342
89 53 443206
90 47 6101
91 48 244217
92 45 6281
93 44 88692
94 45 262693
95 52 47736
96 42 47008
97 47 22909
98 38 76466
99 42 175247
100 39 48927