
Genre: death metal

Play genre

Parent Genre: metal

Death metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that is characterized by its aggressive, fast-paced sound and often features growled or screamed vocals. It typically incorporates complex guitar riffs, blast beats, and intricate drumming patterns. The lyrics often deal with themes of death, violence, and horror. Bands in this genre often use dark imagery and stage theatrics to enhance their performances.

Most popular death metal artists

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Related instruments

Drum Kit, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Double Bass, Keyboard/Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Synthesizer

Popular death metal Songs

Top New death metal Songs of 2024

death metal music by decade

Explore death metal history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of death metal artists

Here is a list of death metal artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the death metal genre. You can find out what death metal genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 40 200350
2 31 86430
3 41 232225
4 45 235731
5 35 184866
6 46 318218
7 37 80338
8 32 108292
9 29 116933
10 31 72249
11 46 420327
12 45 225888
13 45 386661
14 44 207443
15 42 233198
16 42 232808
17 34 51129
18 38 92420
19 36 111302
20 31 112313
21 38 154173
22 41 183439
23 29 69934
24 60 1881775
25 30 74575
26 44 515209
27 31 84504
28 67 3844728
29 30 82134
30 47 230550
31 29 108793
32 46 135408
33 56 843617
34 29 80973
35 34 94615
36 47 451106
37 33 108400
38 53 749758
39 35 117875
40 37 121875
41 32 94523
42 52 283159
43 50 378895
44 32 65178
45 50 726580
46 45 237117
47 32 69670
48 39 73444
49 56 987558
50 38 145985
51 45 557771
52 45 376892
53 34 31155
54 32 70989
55 46 351522
56 37 105948
57 30 70433
58 30 42407
59 29 110213
60 38 145464
61 46 194543
62 55 976833
63 40 167800
64 50 614116
65 39 239711
66 41 175791
67 43 179206
68 31 91882
69 36 63424
70 50 358858
71 33 64402
72 30 79566
73 31 60691
74 32 53685
75 42 359098
76 36 271289
77 29 48965
78 41 245510
79 43 328979
80 34 106331
81 39 156123
82 41 194728
83 30 78270
84 43 227818
85 31 37946
86 47 171947
87 30 121304
88 32 80788
89 38 108059
90 47 478136
91 42 162325
92 36 91965
93 39 101323
94 33 79010
95 34 81838
96 41 77650
97 30 77520
98 31 59037
99 32 58596
100 33 34025

death metal playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular death metal music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.