
Genre: deboxe

Play genre

Deboxe is a Brazilian music genre that blends electronic beats with funk carioca, a style of Brazilian funk music. It is characterized by its fast-paced rhythms, heavy basslines, and catchy vocal hooks. Deboxe is often played at parties and clubs, and is known for its energetic and lively atmosphere. The genre has gained popularity in recent years, with many up-and-coming artists incorporating deboxe elements into their music.

Most popular deboxe artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Deboxe genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1583
2024 177
2023 543
2022 456
2021 301
2020 106
2010s 63
2019 26
2018 16
2017 7
2016 9
2015 2
2014 2
2013 1
2000s 1
2000 1
1647 releases

Popular deboxe Songs

Top New deboxe Songs of 2024

deboxe music by decade

Explore deboxe history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of deboxe artists

Here is a list of deboxe artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the deboxe genre. You can find out what deboxe genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 71 180568
2 64 78728
3 70 573601
4 63 1139963
5 53 19496
6 46 27924
7 52 17044
8 49 24394
9 50 36510
10 55 47786
11 42 22468
12 47 18494
13 59 7317
14 59 25597
15 56 17374
16 56 119805
17 44 23403
18 52 33859
19 48 13439
20 51 19690
21 47 8082
22 53 10181
23 65 29653
24 53 8196
25 51 11785
26 52 19161
27 52 37080
28 58 10278
29 56 8093
30 60 206911
31 59 19624
32 47 5408
33 58 67862
34 40 2371
35 58 54166
36 44 10424
37 56 19738
38 44 17852
39 42 6589
40 55 56355
41 54 14921
42 54 35594
43 49 5907
44 53 6199
45 53 6286
46 47 6676
47 53 5858
48 49 13580
49 53 9670
50 52 10427
51 52 44506
52 39 2578
53 39 5405
54 39 8488
55 51 5831
56 39 437
57 51 6585
58 45 5093
59 50 2349
60 50 13404
61 50 12172
62 49 535
63 48 34042
64 48 12086
65 48 7020
66 48 16575
67 48 3542
68 47 3952
69 46 5015
70 46 7102
71 46 15330
72 41 1547
73 45 2096
74 45 8741
75 45 1110
76 44 2335
77 44 1563
78 44 3334
79 44 6829
80 43 1917
81 43 16330
82 43 3874
83 42 8544
84 42 1185
85 41 5433
86 41 1064
87 41 737
88 41 4889
89 40 2693
90 40 1922
91 40 8460
92 40 1346
93 39 19201
94 39 2930
95 39 5878
96 38 1989
97 38 519
98 38 1898
99 38 8954
100 38 1315

deboxe playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular deboxe music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.