
Genre: deep pop edm

Play genre

Parent Genre: Electronic

Deep pop EDM is a genre that combines elements of electronic dance music with pop music. It features catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and often incorporates deep and emotional lyrics. The genre is characterized by its use of electronic instruments and production techniques, creating a vibrant and energetic sound. The music is often played in clubs and at festivals, and is popular among young audiences.

Most popular deep pop edm artists

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Popular deep pop edm Songs

Top New deep pop edm Songs of 2024

deep pop edm music by decade

Explore deep pop edm history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of deep pop edm artists

Here is a list of deep pop edm artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the deep pop edm genre. You can find out what deep pop edm genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 63 124251
2 63 546241
3 55 104039
4 55 406392
5 54 259930
6 50 5864
7 46 79930
8 44 16169
9 37 28735
10 36 126401
11 33 2798
12 30 1069
13 30 1913
14 29 2340
15 27 2569
16 27 416
17 26 2508
18 24 7878
19 25 3033
20 25 749
21 25 8305
22 24 4243
23 24 2998
24 21 2939
25 21 1169
26 20 1133
27 19 1671
28 19 2266
29 15 3656
30 15 27974
31 13 290
32 12 1335
33 12 1153
34 10 252
35 10 348
36 9 418
37 9 482
38 8 580
39 8 692
40 7 337
41 7 1288
42 7 2250
43 7 67
44 7 293
45 6 331
46 6 420
47 6 768
48 4 104
49 5 70
50 5 179
51 3 454
52 3 64
53 3 271
54 3 422
55 2 143
56 2 158
57 2 151
58 2 81
59 2 173
60 2 124
61 2 239
62 1 282
63 1 434
64 1 85
65 1 121

deep pop edm playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular deep pop edm music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.