
Genre: desi trap

Play genre

Parent Genre: Hip Hop

Desi trap music is a fusion of traditional Indian music with modern trap beats and electronic elements. It features heavy basslines, catchy hooks, and rapid-fire lyrics in Hindi or Punjabi. The genre has gained popularity in recent years and is known for its energetic and upbeat sound.

Most popular desi trap artists

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Popular desi trap Songs

Top New desi trap Songs of 2024

desi trap music by decade

Explore desi trap history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of desi trap artists

Here is a list of desi trap artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the desi trap genre. You can find out what desi trap genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 77 25980211
2 70 5532373
3 62 1762293
4 65 1162574
5 62 1272128
6 59 4720895
7 61 2735225
8 44 115886
9 50 249152
10 46 256403
11 38 78036
12 45 248519
13 43 256184
14 43 332607
15 36 97046
16 40 80123
17 39 39200
18 37 36423
19 30 36786
20 28 13476
21 22 27672
22 25 12870
23 20 7142
24 38 14540
25 37 41718
26 37 19703
27 39 13846
28 9 1149
29 13 4004
30 22 13031
31 26 7534
32 24 20905
33 14 4395
34 20 32170
35 17 3726
36 16 10399
37 16 1147
38 15 1112
39 10 816
40 14 4410
41 13 11277
42 12 1059
43 12 705
44 11 1439
45 10 2415
46 9 992
47 8 1976
48 8 1461
49 7 397
50 7 1093
51 7 787
52 6 9260
53 5 868
54 4 394
55 4 1737
56 3 1801
57 2 856
58 2 853
59 1 76
60 1 556
61 1 363

desi trap playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular desi trap music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.