
Genre desi

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Desi music is a vibrant and diverse genre that encompasses the rich cultural tapestry of South Asia. It blends traditional instruments like the tabla and sitar with modern electronic beats, creating a fusion of timeless melodies and contemporary rhythms. The genre often features lyrics in multiple languages, including Hindi, Punjabi, and Tamil, capturing the essence of regional folklore, love, celebration, and social themes. Desi music's dynamic and infectious energy continues to resonate with audiences worldwide, bringing the spirit and stories of the Indian subcontinent to life. (AI Generated)

Most popular desi artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Desi genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 3503
2025 15
2024 487
2023 880
2022 780
2021 683
2020 658
2010s 2702
2019 498
2018 477
2017 336
2016 314
2015 237
2014 203
2013 213
2012 169
2011 137
2010 118
2000s 1019
2009 174
2008 112
2007 85
2006 102
2005 87
2004 106
2003 92
2002 99
2001 90
2000 72
1990s 421
1999 70
1998 48
1997 39
1996 40
1995 34
1994 37
1993 52
1992 38
1991 35
1990 28
1980s 95
1989 23
1988 21
1987 15
1986 9
1985 9
1984 5
1983 4
1982 6
1981 3
1970s 5
1979 2
1976 1
1972 1
1970 1
1960s 1
1960 1
1940s 2
1947 1
1946 1
1900s 2
1905 2
7750 releases

desi playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular desi music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular desi Songs

Top New desi Songs of 2024

desi music by decade

Explore desi history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of desi artists

Here is a list of desi artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the desi genre. You can find out what desi genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 78 24907414
2 87 45987469
3 79 32144666
4 73 11644823
5 83 28565208
6 67 21008201
7 68 2410292
8 89 135389385
9 74 24691020
10 65 8994704
11 65 3881880
12 75 27920604
13 76 20078526
14 67 203992
15 73 48142692
16 73 5827656
17 71 4082077
18 79 2072873
19 78 11408790
20 67 3178977
21 75 11599758
22 77 4799006
23 75 17083784
24 75 2702787
25 69 8546885
26 72 473718
27 72 11930969
28 71 411119
29 71 818489
30 70 4569744
31 79 59187316
32 67 1326159
33 67 9834494
34 65 5917304
35 75 24758709
36 64 2166331
37 64 5852151
38 63 2156032
39 73 873020
40 80 4773037
41 73 430703
42 75 11674483
43 66 3512803
44 73 9679020
45 64 278918
46 72 6820639
47 70 731279
48 70 446460
49 72 3759154
50 65 3258178
51 69 317216
52 68 3412278
53 74 19829540
54 67 4630040
55 72 2951172
56 64 43545
57 65 491682
58 64 66806
59 70 1486755
60 65 4094980
61 70 7127824
62 80 17453180
63 79 17832274
64 77 20224894
65 68 343729
66 73 11135389
67 73 9950297
68 72 1331238
69 71 4888693
70 66 1228616
71 70 176057
72 70 4207140
73 69 827201
74 68 2517245
75 68 14164445
76 68 393832
77 64 1261978
78 68 11430733
79 68 852371
80 66 198287
81 65 1920491
82 65 436853
83 64 641931
84 64 1300958
85 63 80078
86 67 9068412
87 78 29177595
88 65 688112
89 74 6817472
90 68 913835
91 66 410509
92 79 16184825
93 76 6350771
94 70 592287
95 66 680132
96 71 2336060
97 67 7746175
98 71 471605
99 64 4926006
100 65 830959