
Genre: detske pisnicky

Play genre

Detske pisnicky is a Czech music genre that focuses on children's songs and music. It often features catchy melodies, simple lyrics, and upbeat rhythms that are easy for children to sing and dance along to. The genre is popular in the Czech Republic and has produced many well-known artists who specialize in creating music for children, including those mentioned above.

Most popular detske pisnicky artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Detske Pisnicky genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 16
2023 4
2022 5
2021 4
2020 3
2010s 34
2019 5
2018 4
2017 2
2016 6
2015 4
2014 4
2013 1
2012 1
2011 3
2010 4
2000s 4
2008 1
2004 1
2003 1
2001 1
1990s 16
1998 1
1997 3
1996 2
1995 3
1994 3
1993 1
1991 3
1980s 3
1989 1
1988 1
1983 1
73 releases

Popular detske pisnicky Songs

detske pisnicky music by decade

Explore detske pisnicky history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of detske pisnicky artists

Here is a list of detske pisnicky artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the detske pisnicky genre. You can find out what detske pisnicky genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 43 14426
2 34 4809
3 38 587
4 37 8880
5 26 2937
6 36 7259
7 34 385
8 34 4129
9 33 977
10 31 768
11 19 723
12 30 906
13 28 1432
14 27 2694
15 25 360
16 26 398
17 26 3527
18 26 2811
19 24 1925
20 13 332
21 23 334
22 23 260
23 21 118
24 20 114
25 13 188
26 19 110
27 12 989
28 18 91
29 16 53
30 16 2019
31 9 451
32 15 47
33 14 197
34 14 8
35 12 189
36 12 23
37 10 31
38 2 31
39 9 48
40 9 201
41 9 183
42 8 23
43 8 39
44 7 29
45 7 60
46 7 221
47 6 109
48 6 32
49 5 20
50 4 55
51 5 65
52 4 21
53 4 21
54 3 327
55 3 51
56 3 199
57 2 36
58 2 25

detske pisnicky playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular detske pisnicky music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.