
Genre devotional

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Devotional music is a genre dedicated to expressing spiritual or religious themes, often used in worship or meditation. It encompasses a variety of styles and traditions, each aiming to evoke a sense of peace, reverence, and connection with the divine. The melodies are typically soothing and uplifting, featuring lyrics that praise and honor a higher power, fostering an atmosphere of contemplation and devotion. (AI Generated)

Most popular devotional artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Devotional genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 9897
2025 8
2024 1188
2023 3099
2022 2526
2021 1743
2020 1333
2010s 4051
2019 858
2018 610
2017 465
2016 340
2015 363
2014 420
2013 275
2012 259
2011 231
2010 230
2000s 2230
2009 199
2008 304
2007 208
2006 268
2005 239
2004 195
2003 218
2002 218
2001 201
2000 180
1990s 991
1999 169
1998 130
1997 101
1996 95
1995 95
1994 75
1993 85
1992 78
1991 98
1990 65
1980s 530
1989 65
1988 60
1987 55
1986 72
1985 51
1984 56
1983 42
1982 53
1981 34
1980 42
1970s 313
1979 39
1978 32
1977 38
1976 36
1975 32
1974 32
1973 23
1972 29
1971 23
1970 29
1960s 216
1969 20
1968 15
1967 24
1966 14
1965 28
1964 27
1963 24
1962 22
1961 21
1960 21
1950s 69
1959 14
1958 10
1957 13
1956 7
1955 10
1954 3
1953 4
1952 2
1951 4
1950 2
1940s 7
1947 1
1945 2
1944 2
1943 1
1942 1
1930s 5
1939 5
1900s 4
1905 4
18313 releases

devotional playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular devotional music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular devotional Songs

Top New devotional Songs of 2024

devotional music by decade

Explore devotional history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of devotional artists

Here is a list of devotional artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the devotional genre. You can find out what devotional genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 70 7939163
2 66 79706
3 68 3918879
4 65 621787
5 65 1758136
6 60 1008754
7 64 423318
8 59 281292
9 62 1178569
10 62 1208008
11 62 1663957
12 57 518562
13 61 1644639
14 61 1042356
15 61 196648
16 60 1022279
17 60 239992
18 59 299975
19 59 762729
20 59 577710
21 59 343241
22 57 199112
23 57 1005688
24 56 178918
25 56 2140445
26 56 410621
27 55 68317
28 54 686640
29 54 125357
30 54 65035
31 53 689372
32 53 145741
33 52 657344
34 52 27462
35 51 158495
36 51 22062
37 51 65199
38 51 342870
39 50 285187
40 50 138958
41 75 11599758
42 73 6589893
43 70 6445546
44 73 5840410
45 74 19829540
46 65 4094980
47 69 8524283
48 67 3178977
49 72 2343394
50 53 62543
51 71 2109567
52 71 1404247
53 66 1048856
54 76 8587683
55 62 123308
56 78 17387754
57 55 46817
58 63 4253026
59 55 2629712
60 58 53323
61 61 1747049
62 51 84955
63 60 817285
64 51 837798
65 64 1427651
66 51 34236
67 60 15123
68 60 77042
69 60 229030
70 61 2242879
71 58 162325
72 56 217140
73 71 8773524
74 54 65900
75 53 79565
76 51 24529
77 52 2680
78 52 137529
79 52 221259
80 52 361400
81 51 89778
82 51 38353
83 50 128417
84 51 77162
85 50 51675
86 50 9014
87 53 921473
88 58 1796620
89 60 2695717
90 66 1819179
91 59 841999
92 52 820683
93 53 269262
94 59 585480
95 54 147486
96 52 963903
97 53 1163665
98 54 294705
99 53 1947
100 50 61191