
Genre dinner jazz

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Dinner jazz is a smooth and sophisticated genre of jazz music that is perfect for setting the mood during a romantic dinner or a night out at a lounge bar. It features soothing melodies, soft vocals, and gentle instrumental arrangements that create a relaxing and intimate atmosphere. The Atlantic Five Jazz Band and Jazz Love Jazz Life are two popular groups that specialize in this genre, offering a range of classic and contemporary jazz tunes that are sure to delight any jazz lover. Whether you're looking for a mellow background soundtrack or a captivating live performance, dinner jazz is a timeless and elegant choice. (AI Generated)

Most popular dinner jazz artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Dinner Jazz genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 814
2025 1
2024 62
2023 169
2022 120
2021 162
2020 300
2010s 347
2019 181
2018 62
2017 51
2016 48
2015 4
2012 1
1161 releases

dinner jazz playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular dinner jazz music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular dinner jazz Songs

Top New dinner jazz Songs of 2024

dinner jazz music by decade

Explore dinner jazz history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of dinner jazz artists

Here is a list of dinner jazz artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the dinner jazz genre. You can find out what dinner jazz genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 69 267367
2 56 156085
3 49 44153
4 48 1563
5 45 1006
6 45 527
7 45 94
8 45 467
9 45 921
10 44 29245
11 44 14838
12 42 2483
13 41 659
14 40 6835
15 40 21469
16 40 350
17 40 4075
18 40 326
19 39 19915
20 39 1136
21 39 4086
22 38 18442
23 38 15358
24 38 1535
25 35 684
26 37 10561
27 37 8844
28 36 1039
29 36 5838
30 36 25
31 36 186
32 35 395
33 35 330
34 34 10647
35 34 5098
36 34 472
37 32 3099
38 33 34165
39 33 1028
40 33 841
41 33 891
42 32 222
43 32 3033
44 32 394
45 31 183
46 29 334
47 29 2478
48 30 462
49 30 3894
50 30 3324
51 30 727
52 30 2275
53 30 1331
54 30 5242
55 30 5654
56 30 105
57 29 9434
58 29 187
59 29 243
60 29 2969
61 29 1569
62 29 120
63 29 2256
64 29 199
65 29 3593
66 29 239
67 29 377
68 28 874
69 28 779
70 28 215
71 28 248
72 28 181
73 28 2807
74 27 3481
75 27 298
76 27 6493
77 27 242
78 27 1310
79 27 562
80 26 278
81 26 346
82 26 545
83 26 198
84 25 234
85 25 2550
86 25 1350
87 25 2508
88 25 640
89 25 2099
90 25 7384
91 25 18922
92 25 5274
93 25 175
94 25 5046
95 24 164
96 24 11069
97 24 1390
98 24 66
99 24 155
100 24 2933