
Genre: drill italiana

Play genre

Drill italiana is a subgenre of Italian hip-hop characterized by aggressive beats and lyrics that often focus on street life, violence, and drug culture. The genre emerged in the early 2010s and has gained popularity in recent years. The music often features heavy use of autotune and trap-influenced production. (AI Generated)

Most popular drill italiana artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Drill Italiana genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 333
2024 47
2023 105
2022 74
2021 65
2020 42
2010s 33
2019 17
2018 11
2017 2
2016 1
2015 2
2000s 1
2004 1
1990s 1
1999 1
368 releases

Popular drill italiana Songs

Top New drill italiana Songs of 2024

drill italiana music by decade

Explore drill italiana history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of drill italiana artists

Here is a list of drill italiana artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the drill italiana genre. You can find out what drill italiana genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 76 785328
2 65 1203271
3 56 318932
4 59 113603
5 60 157478
6 58 82046
7 57 38448
8 57 143585
9 44 61465
10 48 3152
11 44 57959
12 42 8103
13 44 173648
14 35 6889
15 43 10217
16 39 13359
17 42 5262
18 42 7565
19 40 5909
20 35 7199
21 34 16847
22 33 8827
23 33 25711
24 32 2963
25 32 9729
26 29 6506
27 29 15128
28 28 2539
29 22 16353
30 28 948
31 27 8685
32 21 19221
33 26 3711
34 25 845
35 24 2646
36 24 10050
37 23 6340
38 18 3091
39 21 2085
40 20 6188
41 20 1054
42 20 2570
43 19 1513
44 19 1295
45 19 1607
46 19 6945
47 16 3555
48 18 13441
49 16 236
50 15 623
51 13 2857
52 14 561
53 14 198
54 14 1234
55 13 359
56 13 867
57 12 157
58 12 1389
59 12 743
60 11 5885
61 11 608
62 10 783
63 9 175
64 9 458
65 8 374
66 8 363
67 8 69
68 7 516
69 6 214
70 6 530
71 6 204
72 6 3223
73 6 1281
74 6 162
75 6 160
76 5 175
77 4 585
78 5 99
79 5 89
80 5 474
81 5 942
82 5 3740
83 5 54
84 4 1274
85 4 232
86 4 260
87 4 160
88 4 123
89 3 517
90 3 263
91 3 425
92 3 996
93 3 165
94 3 676
95 3 249
96 3 146
97 3 356
98 3 438
99 2 81
100 2 591

drill italiana playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular drill italiana music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.