
Genre drumstep

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Drumstep is a high-energy electronic music genre that combines elements of drum and bass and dubstep. It features the fast-paced, intricate breakbeats typical of drum and bass, mixed with the wobbly basslines and half-time rhythm characteristic of dubstep. This genre creates an exhilarating and dynamic soundscape that's perfect for both DJs and live performances, appealing to fans of intense, bass-driven music. (AI Generated)

Most popular drumstep artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Drumstep genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2668
2025 10
2024 551
2023 696
2022 489
2021 423
2020 499
2010s 2693
2019 455
2018 395
2017 292
2016 268
2015 262
2014 260
2013 263
2012 237
2011 162
2010 99
2000s 159
2009 56
2008 35
2007 25
2006 13
2005 17
2004 6
2003 2
2002 2
2001 1
2000 2
1990s 8
1997 3
1995 1
1994 1
1993 2
1991 1
1980s 2
1989 1
1986 1
1970s 1
1973 1
5531 releases

drumstep playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular drumstep music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular drumstep Songs

Top New drumstep Songs of 2024

drumstep music by decade

Explore drumstep history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of drumstep artists

Here is a list of drumstep artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the drumstep genre. You can find out what drumstep genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 49 280902
2 43 172025
3 36 65618
4 50 144431
5 44 340116
6 52 235933
7 51 172517
8 44 64533
9 34 14016
10 34 6506
11 35 58021
12 41 84697
13 50 349220
14 36 13895
15 36 45432
16 50 765507
17 31 22999
18 43 211288
19 52 233313
20 50 65726
21 49 87680
22 40 156753
23 37 115013
24 39 90952
25 55 130932
26 34 79328
27 39 61622
28 33 101842
29 39 59332
30 37 34203
31 35 20893
32 35 18740
33 47 105839
34 46 94346
35 33 31419
36 33 25861
37 33 37099
38 32 22366
39 31 17808
40 31 13002
41 36 115702
42 39 63565
43 41 339645
44 49 71632
45 31 18139
46 33 24798
47 39 28618
48 33 15518
49 37 70481
50 30 18614
51 36 25704
52 43 234906
53 33 11595
54 42 110576
55 31 1911
56 38 117909
57 49 351456
58 34 18953
59 30 45572
60 37 8835
61 48 219901
62 36 19087
63 35 45362
64 34 27543
65 46 141707
66 32 39571
67 31 27980
68 31 39579
69 43 218202
70 50 65673
71 34 58190
72 40 161413
73 48 175697
74 33 10017
75 43 88898
76 38 47834
77 38 9201
78 31 25285
79 41 24107
80 36 44528
81 40 60561
82 36 23878
83 33 34838
84 39 53252
85 35 22107
86 39 14120
87 37 28942
88 32 8445
89 31 1016
90 35 8121
91 30 28291
92 32 23178
93 37 57352
94 35 75614
95 35 94277
96 38 17253
97 31 9203
98 45 130598
99 48 59894
100 37 19313