
Genre: early american folk

Play genre

Early American folk music is a genre that emerged in the 18th and 19th centuries and is characterized by its simplicity and authenticity. It often features acoustic instruments such as the fiddle, banjo, and guitar, and incorporates elements of traditional European and African music. This genre is known for its storytelling and often reflects the struggles and triumphs of everyday people. Today, it continues to be celebrated and performed by musicians who strive to preserve its rich history and cultural significance. (AI Generated)

Most popular early american folk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Early American Folk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 4
2023 2
2020 2
2010s 7
2017 3
2014 1
2011 1
2010 2
2000s 26
2009 4
2008 3
2007 6
2006 2
2005 2
2003 2
2002 2
2001 3
2000 2
1990s 17
1999 4
1998 1
1997 1
1995 1
1994 1
1993 2
1992 1
1991 2
1990 4
1980s 5
1988 1
1987 2
1986 1
1985 1
1970s 2
1975 1
1972 1
1960s 1
1960 1
62 releases

Popular early american folk Songs

early american folk music by decade

Explore early american folk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of early american folk artists

Here is a list of early american folk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the early american folk genre. You can find out what early american folk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 37 16226
2 37 1168
3 31 5575
4 31 4304
5 30 2394
6 25 2526
7 20 1279
8 17 999
9 17 714
10 15 167
11 14 632
12 13 469
13 13 264
14 13 652
15 12 1665
16 12 873
17 12 883
18 10 740
19 9 52
20 8 825
21 8 455
22 8 147
23 7 486
24 7 610
25 7 82
26 6 173
27 5 195
28 4 438
29 4 249
30 4 150
31 2 269
32 3 243
33 3 255
34 3 45
35 3 178
36 2 100
37 2 198
38 2 65
39 2 150
40 2 70
41 1 18
42 1 103
43 1 41
44 1 32
45 1 164
46 1 24

early american folk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular early american folk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.