
Genre: early music ensemble

Play genre

Parent Genre: classical

Early music ensemble is a music genre that focuses on the performance of music from the medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods. It involves the use of period instruments and historically informed performance practices to recreate the sound and style of the time. The genre often features vocal and instrumental music, and is characterized by its intricate harmonies, complex rhythms, and ornate melodies. The performers of this genre are highly skilled musicians who have a deep understanding of the historical context and musical traditions of the period.

Most popular early music ensemble artists

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Popular early music ensemble Songs

Most popular early music ensemble albums

The Island of St. Hylarion
Stadtpfeiffer: Music of Renaissance Germany
Sing Heigh, Ho! Unto the Green Holly!
Le Mystère Grégorien
Modus Phantasticus
Outremer: Beyond The Sea
Chominciamento Di Gioia: Virtuoso Dance Music
City Waites: The English Tradition - 400 Years of Music and Song
L'Art Des Jongleurs Vol. 3/ Intégrale Estampies Italiennes
Sirinu: The Complete Music Of Henry VIII "All Goodly Sports"
Vecchie Letrose - Italian Renaissance Music
Noels & Carols From The Olde World
Antonio Vivaldi: L 'Opera per Traversiere
The Food of Love: Songs, Dances, and Fancies for Shakespeare
Harmonie Universelle

early music ensemble music by decade

Explore early music ensemble history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of early music ensemble artists

Here is a list of early music ensemble artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the early music ensemble genre. You can find out what early music ensemble genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 55 17470
2 43 6213
3 42 10369
4 40 21863
5 33 9106
6 31 5942
7 41 25847
8 31 5089
9 38 11473
10 24 3429
11 34 7382
12 28 922
13 27 11041
14 27 5240
15 31 2360
16 24 6407
17 32 6242
18 19 214
19 28 1697
20 31 3416
21 17 2977
22 25 1068
23 39 1439
24 31 3055
25 15 4282
26 34 2514
27 25 2091
28 23 3857
29 27 5032
30 31 10345
31 22 1079
32 24 3212
33 21 4529
34 14 2530
35 33 1495
36 32 1463
37 17 2490
38 21 129
39 30 536
40 29 1646
41 30 117
42 29 1286
43 28 660
44 19 1538
45 28 1230
46 25 2114
47 18 1410
48 25 1838
49 18 2366
50 23 664
51 22 5911
52 16 787
53 15 1726
54 24 679
55 15 1830
56 24 3255
57 22 921
58 23 5797
59 23 412
60 22 2443
61 22 616
62 21 785
63 12 587
64 19 2964
65 19 366
66 19 726
67 10 880
68 13 584
69 18 156
70 18 556
71 18 270
72 16 2019
73 17 360
74 17 460
75 17 902
76 16 1899
77 16 747
78 16 4227
79 15 821
80 15 251
81 15 2189
82 14 926
83 14 123
84 14 3950
85 13 426
86 13 1337
87 13 515
88 10 509
89 12 1046
90 12 439
91 11 355
92 11 302
93 11 637
94 11 309
95 10 738
96 10 272
97 10 295
98 10 421
99 10 247
100 10 216

early music ensemble playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular early music ensemble music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.