
Genre: eastern bloc groove

Play genre

Eastern Bloc Groove is a music genre that emerged in the Eastern European countries during the Cold War era. It is characterized by its fusion of traditional folk music with Western rock and funk elements. The music often features catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and a strong emphasis on danceability. The lyrics often touch on themes of social and political issues, as well as love and relationships. The genre gained popularity in the 1960s and 1970s, with bands from countries such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union becoming well-known for their unique sound.

Most popular eastern bloc groove artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Eastern Bloc Groove genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 8
2024 1
2023 2
2022 1
2021 3
2020 1
2010s 22
2019 2
2017 3
2016 3
2015 6
2014 5
2013 2
2011 1
2000s 7
2008 3
2006 1
2005 1
2002 1
2001 1
1990s 1
1999 1
1980s 6
1989 1
1985 1
1984 1
1980 3
1970s 16
1979 3
1978 1
1977 2
1976 1
1975 1
1974 5
1971 2
1970 1
1960s 4
1969 1
1968 1
1967 1
1966 1
64 releases

Popular eastern bloc groove Songs

Most popular eastern bloc groove albums

Stopp, Seisku Aeg! / Käes On Aeg
Let Me Dream
Late Night Tales: Badbadnotgood
60 lat Polskich Nagrań
Новогодний хит из кино
Polski Big Beat, Vol. 2 (Lata 1962-1964)
Александр Зацепин. Песни из кинофильма 31 июня
16 Originala

eastern bloc groove music by decade

Explore eastern bloc groove history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of eastern bloc groove artists

Here is a list of eastern bloc groove artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the eastern bloc groove genre. You can find out what eastern bloc groove genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 28 4333
2 26 3214
3 24 12237
4 20 2207
5 21 1684
6 21 3324
7 18 1311
8 17 1398
9 16 4610
10 13 1278
11 13 967
12 12 1899
13 12 1482
14 12 676
15 11 1357
16 10 3502
17 11 643
18 11 1183
19 9 435
20 9 37
21 9 792
22 8 136
23 8 2034
24 7 1520
25 6 200
26 5 371
27 5 75
28 5 134
29 5 190
30 5 927
31 4 719
32 3 114
33 4 167
34 4 360
35 4 192
36 3 155
37 3 86
38 3 370
39 3 403
40 3 62
41 1 18
42 3 220
43 2 657
44 2 17
45 2 46
46 2 41
47 2 659
48 2 290
49 2 442
50 2 57
51 2 503
52 1 14
53 1 19
54 1 206
55 1 111
56 1 32
57 1 60
58 1 108
59 1 26
60 1 231
61 1 120
62 1 40
63 1 247
64 1 18
65 1 169
66 1 102
67 1 1194

eastern bloc groove playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular eastern bloc groove music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.