
Genre: edo old school

Play genre

Edo old school music refers to a genre of traditional Nigerian music originating from the Edo state. It is characterized by its fusion of highlife, funk, and traditional Edo rhythms, often featuring lively instrumentation such as guitars, horns, and percussion. The lyrics typically touch on themes of love, culture, and societal issues, delivered in a mix of Edo language and English. The music is known for its energetic and danceable beats, making it a popular choice for celebrations and social gatherings.

Most popular edo old school artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Edo Old School genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 124
2023 33
2022 56
2021 15
2020 20
2010s 49
2019 7
2018 7
2017 10
2016 2
2015 5
2014 3
2013 7
2012 1
2011 2
2010 5
2000s 9
2009 4
2008 2
2007 1
2005 1
2004 1
1980s 1
1980 1
183 releases

Popular edo old school Songs

edo old school music by decade

Explore edo old school history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of edo old school artists

Here is a list of edo old school artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the edo old school genre. You can find out what edo old school genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 28 22605
2 27 19784
3 21 10224
4 25 3334
5 25 5925
6 20 9364
7 22 4343
8 21 2316
9 21 2547
10 21 3300
11 20 2094
12 20 2631
13 20 977
14 14 3094
15 19 1201
16 18 2150
17 18 6702
18 18 3371
19 11 8314
20 17 1975
21 17 6428
22 17 1485
23 16 5394
24 15 2924
25 15 2097
26 15 2495
27 15 4948
28 14 1957
29 12 1099
30 12 1200
31 11 2848
32 10 1705
33 10 1314
34 10 699
35 9 432
36 9 1009
37 9 356
38 8 485
39 8 884
40 8 656
41 7 816
42 7 343
43 6 400
44 6 293
45 5 540
46 5 536
47 5 1052
48 4 132
49 4 512
50 3 220
51 2 654
52 2 357
53 2 62
54 1 866
55 1 21046
56 1 450
57 1 41
58 1 194

edo old school playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular edo old school music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.