
Genre: egg punk

Play genre

Egg punk is a subgenre of punk rock that emerged in the early 2010s. It is characterized by its lo-fi production, distorted guitars, and aggressive vocals. The lyrics often touch on themes of nihilism, alienation, and rebellion. The sound is raw and unpolished, with a DIY ethos that emphasizes authenticity over technical proficiency. Egg punk has gained a cult following among underground music fans, and its influence can be heard in the work of contemporary punk and garage rock bands.

Most popular egg punk artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Egg Punk genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 299
2024 36
2023 86
2022 59
2021 73
2020 45
2010s 108
2019 35
2018 26
2017 16
2016 11
2015 7
2014 3
2013 4
2012 6
1990s 1
1995 1
408 releases

Popular egg punk Songs

Top New egg punk Songs of 2024

egg punk music by decade

Explore egg punk history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of egg punk artists

Here is a list of egg punk artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the egg punk genre. You can find out what egg punk genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 39 27064
2 33 7172
3 32 21072
4 30 8686
5 37 33653
6 36 12063
7 38 24516
8 38 30295
9 38 28297
10 34 11797
11 23 4196
12 26 24074
13 32 14545
14 18 8810
15 32 10941
16 30 8073
17 30 2876
18 22 9373
19 27 21951
20 25 11213
21 20 6770
22 20 7939
23 20 2362
24 26 5337
25 26 2721
26 18 5136
27 24 1163
28 10 1928
29 24 5349
30 24 4598
31 15 2382
32 23 4513
33 23 6228
34 23 1572
35 16 4351
36 22 4506
37 19 12712
38 22 4507
39 13 2028
40 20 5112
41 20 5511
42 11 783
43 19 1439
44 19 1891
45 18 1007
46 18 4636
47 17 16160
48 17 1497
49 17 4503
50 11 2106
51 10 1865
52 17 1117
53 16 985
54 16 1228
55 16 2256
56 16 806
57 8 2869
58 14 10154
59 14 730
60 14 1151
61 14 703
62 12 3676
63 14 865
64 11 5121
65 13 902
66 12 1817
67 12 3241
68 12 1020
69 12 1277
70 12 966
71 12 817
72 11 1247
73 10 9704
74 10 1154
75 10 1559
76 10 1143
77 10 1693
78 10 2332
79 7 3945
80 8 3360
81 9 1979
82 9 446
83 9 622
84 8 875
85 8 431
86 8 977
87 8 1112
88 8 926
89 8 677
90 7 1316
91 7 1022
92 7 4657
93 7 713
94 7 967
95 7 1070
96 6 294
97 6 1270
98 6 571
99 6 777
100 6 409

egg punk playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular egg punk music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.