
Genre: electric bass

Play genre

Electric bass music is a genre that heavily features the bass guitar as the lead instrument. It is known for its deep, rich tones and complex rhythms. The genre often incorporates elements of jazz, funk, and soul, and is characterized by its improvisational nature. Some of the most notable figures in the genre include virtuosic bassists who have pushed the boundaries of what the instrument can do. Their music is marked by intricate bass lines, complex harmonies, and a deep understanding of rhythm. (AI Generated)

Most popular electric bass artists

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Parent Genre: jazz

Related genres

Instruments used

Drum Kit, Saxophone, Trumpet, Piano, Double Bass, Trombone, Clarinet, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboard/Piano, Vocals, Horn Section, Synthesizer

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Electric Bass genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 131
2024 30
2023 45
2022 15
2021 21
2020 20
2010s 167
2019 24
2018 13
2017 18
2016 22
2015 13
2014 23
2013 14
2012 15
2011 10
2010 15
2000s 104
2009 9
2008 16
2007 14
2006 8
2005 12
2004 7
2003 5
2002 11
2001 14
2000 8
1990s 68
1999 6
1998 9
1997 8
1996 5
1995 14
1994 2
1993 10
1992 5
1991 5
1990 4
1980s 32
1989 3
1988 4
1987 1
1986 3
1985 5
1984 5
1983 5
1982 2
1981 2
1980 2
1970s 42
1979 2
1978 7
1977 5
1976 10
1975 4
1974 4
1973 3
1972 4
1971 3
1960s 13
1968 1
1963 3
1962 3
1961 1
1960 5
1950s 12
1959 5
1957 3
1956 2
1955 2
569 releases

Popular electric bass Songs

Top New electric bass Songs of 2024

electric bass music by decade

Explore electric bass history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of electric bass artists

Here is a list of electric bass artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the electric bass genre. You can find out what electric bass genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 48 272632
2 46 151244
3 47 228983
4 42 287476
5 39 31520
6 45 127501
7 35 22568
8 36 57936
9 23 11160
10 29 4811
11 26 15729
12 26 19637
13 29 2345
14 26 110534
15 24 1267
16 23 19308
17 23 4139
18 22 9715
19 21 3596
20 19 8026
21 19 233
22 19 510
23 19 563
24 17 7394
25 17 6932
26 18 4537
27 17 2874
28 16 893
29 15 1584
30 14 6302
31 13 1119
32 13 1341
33 10 856
34 9 2469
35 8 1876
36 9 38
37 9 489
38 8 4104
39 8 503
40 8 1742
41 7 2417
42 4 944
43 6 612
44 6 1647
45 6 454
46 3 1011
47 5 787
48 5 313
49 4 272
50 4 423
51 4 201
52 4 810
53 3 227
54 3 586
55 3 418
56 3 855
57 3 328
58 2 258
59 2 252
60 2 1028
61 2 1328
62 2 81
63 2 385
64 1 260
65 1 226
66 1 211
67 1 113
68 1 110
69 1 367
70 1 432

electric bass playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular electric bass music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.