
Genre electro corridos

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Electro corridos is a contemporary music genre that fuses traditional regional Mexican corridos with modern electronic elements. Characterized by its use of synthesizers, electronic beats, and digital production techniques, the genre brings a fresh, energetic twist to the storytelling and cultural themes typical of traditional corridos. This innovative blend creates a unique sound that appeals to both traditional listeners and fans of electronic music, bridging cultural and musical gaps. (AI Generated)

Most popular electro corridos artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Electro Corridos genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 2663
2025 7
2024 530
2023 953
2022 577
2021 361
2020 235
2010s 262
2019 140
2018 61
2017 25
2016 9
2015 8
2014 7
2013 5
2012 3
2011 3
2010 1
2000s 12
2009 3
2008 2
2007 1
2006 2
2005 3
2001 1
1900s 1
1904 1
2938 releases

electro corridos playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular electro corridos music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular electro corridos Songs

Top New electro corridos Songs of 2024

electro corridos music by decade

Explore electro corridos history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of electro corridos artists

Here is a list of electro corridos artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the electro corridos genre. You can find out what electro corridos genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 89 14048348
2 84 7392391
3 90 19563176
4 76 5336300
5 86 17937524
6 83 4495469
7 83 4498965
8 70 2315330
9 68 1335342
10 89 4740562
11 71 1304126
12 73 1177001
13 79 3619560
14 76 1917026
15 76 765670
16 69 56373
17 68 1099107
18 85 1265080
19 72 436438
20 65 819861
21 59 751707
22 63 100925
23 63 262423
24 66 349489
25 60 286658
26 65 72975
27 53 72620
28 56 53729
29 66 1139648
30 56 194034
31 63 90222
32 70 269840
33 59 818137
34 62 108712
35 69 823529
36 69 253505
37 48 7254
38 58 281313
39 54 69497
40 56 19112
41 65 62461
42 54 90658
43 52 94254
44 62 684998
45 62 218621
46 62 349162
47 51 17754
48 60 30146
49 49 26002
50 59 77700
51 59 180469
52 59 53645
53 47 11221
54 58 179160
55 57 43152
56 47 14732
57 54 74066
58 54 94941
59 54 175563
60 54 25440
61 53 11067
62 53 31372
63 53 13120
64 53 59486
65 52 14186
66 50 10262
67 50 86462
68 50 35699
69 50 11918
70 49 80843
71 49 10799
72 48 21502
73 47 61743
74 47 2533
75 46 51040
76 69 1896023
77 57 1506536
78 55 49458
79 52 22276
80 47 11959
81 49 21644
82 56 6657
83 49 7811
84 52 48494
85 54 293836
86 76 5910861
87 69 405597
88 68 3009305
89 66 1785012
90 68 2119803
91 67 166512
92 58 277427
93 56 42464
94 63 39981
95 55 7865
96 59 230239
97 52 56792
98 55 935782
99 54 4184
100 47 20552