
Genre: electro dub

Play genre

Parent Genre: metal

Electro dub is a genre of electronic music that combines elements of dub reggae with electronic beats and production techniques. It typically features heavy basslines, atmospheric soundscapes, and a focus on rhythm and groove. The genre often incorporates elements of dubstep, techno, and other electronic sub-genres. The music is characterized by its deep, immersive sound and its ability to transport listeners to otherworldly realms.

Most popular electro dub artists

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Popular electro dub Songs

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electro dub music by decade

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List of electro dub artists

Here is a list of electro dub artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the electro dub genre. You can find out what electro dub genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 45 121813
2 43 32959
3 29 9979
4 41 22385
5 38 33532
6 37 25825
7 36 43990
8 35 8918
9 35 59464
10 34 22518
11 32 27693
12 48 194091
13 50 64371
14 30 31773
15 29 21220
16 26 5810
17 43 7399
18 24 4104
19 42 51741
20 29 2487
21 40 31186
22 28 2728
23 39 34209
24 37 8041
25 37 4580
26 18 1898
27 36 6012
28 15 9029
29 34 5661
30 31 8005
31 31 7416
32 24 4404
33 17 674
34 8 1006
35 26 7767
36 7 2315
37 26 4297
38 6 3108
39 25 4048
40 25 3541
41 19 4200
42 24 2496
43 24 5640
44 11 2593
45 22 3265
46 4 430
47 10 2049
48 3 2087
49 2 1192
50 21 4296
51 21 6776
52 20 2626
53 20 3533
54 8 999
55 7 1257
56 16 1360
57 19 652
58 17 1822
59 14 2372
60 13 1232
61 13 664
62 11 831
63 11 924
64 11 4333
65 11 1469
66 10 1793
67 9 2618
68 8 785
69 8 1207
70 7 810
71 7 2708
72 7 318
73 6 3058
74 6 544
75 6 812
76 4 2647
77 3 627
78 4 212
79 4 171
80 4 428
81 4 1696
82 3 1592
83 3 383
84 3 410
85 3 267
86 3 690
87 2 794
88 2 694
89 1 1167
90 1 1266
91 1 356
92 1 135

electro dub playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular electro dub music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.