
Genre electro house

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Electro house is a subgenre of house music that features heavy basslines, synthesized melodies, and a fast tempo. It often incorporates elements of techno, trance, and electro. The genre emerged in the early 2000s and has since become popular in the electronic dance music scene. It is characterized by its energetic and upbeat sound, making it a popular choice for clubs and festivals. (AI Generated)

Most popular electro house artists

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Parent Genre: Electronic

Sub genres

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Instruments used

Piano, Synthesizer, Vocals, Drum Machine, Sampler, Sequencer, Bass Synthesizer, Keyboard/Piano, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Kit

Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Electro House genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 1163
2025 8
2024 216
2023 280
2022 229
2021 219
2020 211
2010s 1550
2019 193
2018 176
2017 142
2016 178
2015 182
2014 174
2013 162
2012 155
2011 112
2010 76
2000s 131
2009 48
2008 33
2007 14
2006 14
2005 7
2004 8
2003 6
2001 1
1990s 2
1998 1
1996 1
2846 releases

electro house playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular electro house music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.

Popular electro house Songs

Top New electro house Songs of 2024

electro house music by decade

Explore electro house history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of electro house artists

Here is a list of electro house artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the electro house genre. You can find out what electro house genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 58 383584
2 63 659019
3 58 275786
4 49 152789
5 55 72178
6 47 90295
7 62 2184459
8 51 390386
9 43 165891
10 56 384515
11 52 292114
12 54 218753
13 51 522020
14 61 800404
15 60 757263
16 59 1084167
17 55 654163
18 71 3799666
19 41 174150
20 47 397973
21 41 107006
22 50 309854
23 59 1144266
24 45 203715
25 49 351412
26 44 82317
27 57 142914
28 77 11280014
29 79 40230635
30 37 155106
31 40 38853
32 49 67210
33 56 391651
34 64 1264200
35 44 64371
36 69 100902
37 69 100088
38 44 115149
39 47 107520
40 64 581631
41 41 84934
42 50 139408
43 44 4901
44 58 134089
45 34 27328
46 32 52913
47 43 98474
48 58 35262
49 42 204405
50 38 7883
51 36 12079
52 46 345462
53 48 54677
54 55 165093
55 54 295958
56 53 6811
57 53 11799
58 42 21560
59 51 33489
60 32 64931
61 34 60647
62 34 90893
63 40 139311
64 32 638
65 39 23075
66 33 1778
67 41 129552
68 40 69522
69 31 799
70 33 34838
71 44 18914
72 44 99071
73 32 26134
74 44 4885
75 32 10010
76 44 242256
77 38 27311
78 42 11199
79 40 117822
80 43 31260
81 43 5228
82 34 4089
83 42 1498
84 41 11366
85 32 19611
86 40 1190
87 38 36418
88 36 4576
89 38 100334
90 38 9849
91 34 23453
92 35 20545
93 32 1510
94 33 1314
95 34 3540
96 32 109293
97 32 2862
98 32 5252
99 31 1271
100 31 123