
Genre: electronicore

Play genre

Electronicore is a subgenre of metalcore that incorporates electronic elements such as synthesizers, samples, and programmed drums. The genre often features heavy breakdowns, screamed vocals, and clean singing. It combines the aggression and intensity of metalcore with the catchiness and danceability of electronic music. Bands in this genre often experiment with different sounds and textures, creating a unique and dynamic sound.

Most popular electronicore artists

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Releases by year

Here you can see the popularity of Electronicore genre over time. This graph shows albums and singles releases count by year and decade.

2020s 53
2024 5
2023 15
2022 13
2021 7
2020 13
2010s 207
2019 13
2018 14
2017 11
2016 18
2015 23
2014 30
2013 36
2012 30
2011 22
2010 10
2000s 7
2009 3
2008 2
2006 1
2005 1
1990s 1
1995 1
268 releases

Popular electronicore Songs

Top New electronicore Songs of 2024

electronicore music by decade

Explore electronicore history by listening to songs from every decade. Click on the decade to view songs.

2020s 2010s 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s

List of electronicore artists

Here is a list of electronicore artists on Spotify, ranked based on popularity, who exemplifies the electronicore genre. You can find out what electronicore genre sounds like where you can preview artists or sort them the way you want, just click the headers to sort.

1 32 24592
2 23 12696
3 22 12067
4 21 6606
5 21 20161
6 19 13146
7 21 9876
8 20 7146
9 14 16140
10 19 13483
11 13 6408
12 16 7223
13 18 5278
14 18 10717
15 16 6104
16 15 11880
17 14 4339
18 13 4767
19 13 7457
20 12 6376
21 12 5973
22 10 4538
23 9 3808
24 9 2902
25 8 4659
26 25 29042
27 21 12987
28 20 17361
29 17 16111
30 15 14438
31 10 2665
32 9 2302
33 18 5061
34 17 10474
35 15 4217
36 15 8578
37 12 2504
38 9 3093
39 12 9596
40 7 4497
41 3 1713
42 11 7946
43 2 527
44 11 6299
45 2 1797
46 10 4651
47 2 521
48 8 4776
49 8 2956
50 7 2618
51 7 4048
52 6 4463
53 6 4620
54 5 4785
55 5 886
56 5 1003
57 3 2697
58 5 1069
59 4 1734
60 4 2711
61 4 1117
62 4 2018
63 4 1609
64 3 2063
65 1 828
66 2 1788
67 3 1553
68 2 2276
69 2 871
70 2 1141
71 2 1630
72 2 584
73 2 666
74 2 966
75 2 1857
76 2 793
77 2 1890
78 2 1027
79 1 1253
80 29 23004
81 20 6696
82 28 13698
83 18 9058
84 13 3037
85 18 9191
86 17 12321
87 13 5932
88 15 7433
89 14 4602
90 11 846
91 10 3417
92 11 4043
93 6 3997
94 7 1080
95 6 3263
96 5 944
97 4 1059
98 3 1625
99 3 2238
100 2 568

electronicore playlist created by Chosic

Enjoy this playlist of popular electronicore music. We made this playlist using an algorithm created by our team.